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It Turns Out That Google Tracks You Even If You Turn Off Location History: Here’s the Penalty You Will Pay!

It turns out that Google's "Location History" feature is actually useless. In a lawsuit filed in the USA, it was announced that location tracking was done through other sources when Location History was turned off. Google will pay a fine of 93 million dollars...
 It Turns Out That Google Tracks You Even If You Turn Off Location History: Here’s the Penalty You Will Pay!
READING NOW It Turns Out That Google Tracks You Even If You Turn Off Location History: Here’s the Penalty You Will Pay!

There has been a confusing development regarding the technology giant Google. The company was found at fault in a lawsuit filed in California and agreed to pay $93 million in damages. Even though Google did not accept the accusations, it did this to get rid of the case as soon as possible. Let’s take a closer look at what happened together.

According to the lawsuit filed by California attorney general Rob Bont, Google did not appear to be tracking users’ locations but was doing the exact opposite. There are those who know; If you go into the settings section of your Google account and review the “Location History” section, you can even turn off your location to Google. Google said that a consumer using this feature could not be tracked. However, it turned out that the truth was not so.

Google tracked users through other sources

According to the lawsuit filed in the USA, Google’s Location History feature was actually working as it should. However, it has been revealed that Google has developed a remarkable method to overcome this. According to Attorney General Rob Bont’s claim, Google was tracking users through other services such as “Web and Application Activity”, which can also be accessed from the Google account. It was stated that Google uses the data it collects from the user for its commercial interests.

In addition to the $93 million fine, Google will comply with some new conditions. In this context; There will be more transparency for services and applications that can track location. In addition, in the application of displaying personalized ads, the user will be informed about how the user’s location data is shared. Making a statement on the issue, Jose Castaneda said that the issue here is related to policies created years ago. A Google spokesperson reported that the problem was resolved.

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