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What Causes ‘Burning Sore Throat’ That Happens to Us in Unexpected Times, What’s Good?

Although it is seen especially in the winter months, since it can occur due to many different reasons, the burning of the throat, which you can experience in all seasons, can reduce your quality of life and can also be a harbinger of many diseases. Let's see what is good for throat burn, what causes it, and most importantly, how it goes.
 What Causes ‘Burning Sore Throat’ That Happens to Us in Unexpected Times, What’s Good?
READING NOW What Causes ‘Burning Sore Throat’ That Happens to Us in Unexpected Times, What’s Good?

We are sure that almost all of our readers shuddered with the discomfort of the burning sensation of the throat, even if they were not alive when they saw the title. It’s normal, because this disorder can occur in everyone, regardless of age. Although it is more common especially in the winter months due to the seasonal transition, you may wake up with a sore throat on a beautiful hot summer morning, as there are many different reasons.

Don’t worry, most of the time a sore throat occurs for a very simple reason and it even goes away on its own. However, sometimes it occurs due to different diseases, and in this case, you may need to apply some methods or go to a doctor and take medication. However, in general, we can say that it is not a cause for concern. Best of all, let’s take a closer look at the questions like what is good for sore throat, why, how it goes.

Let’s start with a brief description; What is a sore throat?

The painful sensation in your throat when drinking, eating, swallowing or even breathing heavily is called throat burn. It can occur as a symptom of many different diseases, or it can only manifest itself as a sore throat without any disease. It is often seen as a harmless condition.

Some of the symptoms accompanying a sore throat are:

  • Cough
  • runny nose
  • sore throat
  • hoarseness
  • redness of the eyes
  • Fire
  • Red or white tonsils
  • Red dots in the throat
  • swelling in the neck
  • Sputum
  • drooling

In general, the most common symptoms seen with throat burning in the person are in this way. Of course, it is not expected that all these symptoms will necessarily be seen, but in general, these symptoms will also occur, since the cause of sore throat is a bacterial or viral infection.

What causes sore throat? Here are some of the diseases and conditions that can indicate what a sore throat is:

  • Pharyngitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Reflux
  • cold and flu
  • Allergy
  • Smoking or passive smoking


Pharyngitis, one of the most common causes of throat burning, occurs with inflammation of the pharynx. Although it is more common in the winter months, it is common in professionals, smokers, allergy sufferers, people with reflux, those who do not consume enough fluids and those who consume very hot or very cold beverages. The most common pharyngitis symptoms are as follows:

  • runny nose
  • burning in throat
  • difficulty swallowing
  • Fire
  • A feeling of congestion in the throat
  • Weakness
  • Cough


Tonsillitis, also called tonsillitis, is a viral or bacterial infection that occurs in the tonsils, the first line of defense in our throat. Although it is more common in children, it can also occur in adults. The most common symptoms of tonsillitis are as follows:

  • Headache
  • swollen tonsils
  • Swelling under the neck and chin
  • Yellow and white spots on the tonsils
  • Earache
  • difficulty swallowing
  • hoarseness
  • Painful sensation while swallowing
  • bad breath
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea
  • throat burn
  • Vomiting
  • High fever
  • Postnasal drip
  • Cough
  • Weakness
  • Tiredness


Reflux, also called gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition in which stomach fluid goes up the esophagus. Even if everyone experiences this situation from time to time, reflux may be inevitable in cases such as obesity, pregnancy, leaning forward, eating excessively spicy. Some of the most common reflux symptoms are as follows;

  • Constant burping sensation
  • What is in the stomach comes to the mouth
  • Cough
  • Burning in the upper abdomen
  • hoarseness
  • difficulty swallowing
  • bad breath
  • pain when swallowing
  • dental caries
  • throat irritation

Cold and flu:

The common cold and flu are perhaps by far the most common cause of a sore throat. These diseases, which are caused by a viral infection, show themselves directly in our throat. Cough and runny nose are already indispensable accompanying symptoms. Although it generally manifests itself in the winter months, unfortunately, it can also occur at inopportune times.


Allergy is an overreaction to any substance, even though it is not a pathogen. It is common in many people, especially in the spring, because pollen allergy is extremely common. In addition, personal circumstances may occur. Some of the most common allergy symptoms are as follows:

  • nasal congestion
  • throat burn
  • runny nose
  • sore throat
  • Impairment of taste
  • hoarseness
  • restless sleep
  • itchy eye
  • Snore
  • eye reddening
  • dry throat

Smoking or passive smoking:

Yes, we are tired of writing, smokers are not tired of drinking. Smoking also causes throat burns. Why not anyway? You are inhaling scorched smoke from your throat into your lungs, of course it will burn. The bad thing is that even if you don’t drink, you may experience these problems due to passive smoking. Let go at once and take a deep breath and regain your health.

Let’s come to the subject that everyone is wondering: What is good for sore throat?

  • Gargle with salt water.
  • Consume lukewarm food and drinks.
  • Humidify the air in your room.
  • For herbal teas such as chamomile, linden, lemon balm.
  • Avoid spicy and spicy foods.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Don’t talk too much.

Here are the methods that will make you feel much better if you do it in cases where you feel a sore throat. All of the items actually touch on a common point; do not irritate your throat, keep warm, moist and do not tire. If you pay attention to these points, you will not easily experience sore throat.

So how exactly does a sore throat go away?

Be sure that the methods we mentioned above will show their effect as soon as you apply them and will reduce the pain of your throat burning a little bit. Unfortunately, there is no answer to the question of how exactly it goes. Because the state of passing depends on why it occurs. If it is caused by the disease, you should get better, if it is caused by a factor, you should stay away from that factor. So first you have to know why.

When should I go to the doctor?

We have mentioned that burning throat is a common and generally harmless condition. However, if your fever is very high, you have difficulty in breathing, you see blood in your saliva, or even if none of these things have lasted longer than two weeks, you should definitely go to a specialist doctor and be examined.

We answered questions such as what is good for sore throat, which is a discomfort that can occur due to many different diseases, what causes it, how it passes. What we describe is for informational purposes only. Do not forget that you should get the most accurate and specific information about sore throat, as in all health issues, from a specialist physician.

Sources: NHS, Mayo Clinic, CDC

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