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How Many Can You Do In This Medieval Quiz That Even Those Who Trust History Will Have Difficulty?

Based on the topics we cover in our own content, we have prepared a challenging medieval test for you. Those who feel like they belong to the past, let's see if you really feel that way at the end of the test.
 How Many Can You Do In This Medieval Quiz That Even Those Who Trust History Will Have Difficulty?
READING NOW How Many Can You Do In This Medieval Quiz That Even Those Who Trust History Will Have Difficulty?

If you lived as an innocent peasant living in a medieval village or as a rich landlord, could you keep up with the customs of this strange age? If you say “I know everything about the Middle Ages”, test yourself now!

Even if there is a question that you do not know at the end of the test, you will have added a new one to the information that will be sold in the environment. If you’re ready, let’s get started!

What animals were used for rocket purposes in the Middle Ages with limited weapon technology?

A) Dogs and cats

B) Cat and birds

C) Horses

D) cows

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Who is the ruler who brought the ‘beard tax’ to Europe at that time?

A) Pepin I

B) Justinian I

C) VIII. Henry

D) Peter the Great

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Let’s move on to taxes. Imagine a time when you paid taxes even for the food you cook. Which civilization do you think was collecting edible oil tax from the people?


B) Byzantium

C) Egypt

D) Vikings

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When the Middle Ages are mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the Crusades. So what were the cannibals who ate the Turks raw during these expeditions called?

A) Sumatran Cannibals

B) Uruguayan Cannibals

C) Jerusalem Cannibals

D) Cannibals of Maarra

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If you wanted to divorce your spouse in the Middle Ages, what process would you have followed?

A) Couples dueling each other with swords

B) Walking barefoot on fire

C) Finding 5 witnesses for the court

D) swearing before the priest

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One of the most striking practices of the period, courts were established not only for humans but also for animals. Which animal is the most prosecuted in animal courts?

A) Cat

B) Pig

C) Rooster

D) donkey

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Why were the faces of babies drawn in an old and frightful way in medieval paintings?

A) Because the artist’s knowledge of painting is limited

B) Because the faces of malnourished children in the Middle Ages were actually like that.

C) Because it represents the titles of the emperors of the period.

D) Hz. Because it is the belief that Jesus had a perfect and unchanging face.

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What is the ‘glass hallucination’ seen only in the upper strata of society?

A) Thinking that people will break like a vase when they come close to him.

B) Covering the whole body with glass.

C) Thinking that a body fracture will occur in falling anywhere.

D) Feeling like glass.

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What was the name given to the beings whose heads were drawn on their shoulders, which were rumored to have lived in the Middle Ages, existed even on the map of Piri Reis, and were called humanoid creatures?

A) Olmecs

B) Nabataeans

C) Harappans

D) blemmyae

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And finally, what age was the marriage of nobles, who attached great importance to the continuation of the lineage, in the Middle Ages?

a) 12

B) 15

C) 17

D) 33

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