The tracking system comes into play against stocking in new cars!

The Ministry of Commerce, which will install a new electronic system, will follow a brand new car model from the moment of production.
 The tracking system comes into play against stocking in new cars!
READING NOW The tracking system comes into play against stocking in new cars!

After the recent chip crisis and supply shortage in the automotive industry, stocking in new cars has also emerged. Second-hand prices are increasing day by day due to the many galleries that buy new cars and keep them waiting. Continuing its work on this issue, the Ministry of Commerce is preparing to introduce a new system.

New measure against stocking in new cars

According to the news in Hürriyet, the Ministry of Commerce will now monitor the stock status of brand new cars. In this context, the ministry, which will establish a new electronic system, will follow a car from the moment it enters our country.

Immediately after a car is imported or off the production line, it will be tracked through the application until it reaches the customer. All information, including the vehicle’s time to reach the dealer and customer, will be included in the electronic system. Thus, it will be understood whether the vehicles are stocked or not.

With this application of the Ministry, it is aimed to prevent dealers from stocking. It is planned to prevent companies that make stocks by following the vehicles that enter our country or produced in our country. With the end of stocking in new cars, second-hand car prices are expected to decrease.

On the other hand, in order to bring the prices to a more reasonable level in the second-hand market, new responsibilities come to the advertisement sites that sell vehicles. In the light of the new rules, a new control will be applied on the advertisement sites that sell vehicles. Accordingly, the real name, surname and phone information of the sales people will now be included. Thus, it will be easier to follow the sales people.

The Ministry of Commerce continues to increase the measures it has taken against stocking in the last period. So what do you think about stocking in new car models and the measures taken against this situation? Do you think these measures will work? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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