Brandefense briefed university students about cyber security

Brandefense team, a cyber security company that provides digital risk protection services, external attack surface management and threat intelligence solutions to corporate structures around the world, was awarded by Istanbul Bilgi University Cyber ​​Security Club.
 Brandefense briefed university students about cyber security
READING NOW Brandefense briefed university students about cyber security
Cyber ​​security company Brandefense team, which provides digital risk protection services, external attack surface management and threat intelligence solutions to corporate structures around the world, participated in the online event called Threat Actors of the Dark Web, organized by Istanbul Bilgi University Cyber ​​Security Club. He shared various information about cyber security with university students. Topics such as information security, ransomware threats, security threats faced by individuals and institutions were covered.

Encountered cyber security threats addressed

Mentioning the new ransomware groups that stand out in the industry at the online event, Brandefense Pre-Sales Solutions Manager Osman Karan shared his experiences on the action patterns of threat actors. Cyber ​​security threats faced by corporate structures and individual users in different sectors in the ever-expanding digital world were also discussed. The security practices used to protect against these threats and the details of a real case resolution scenario were also mentioned. In addition to the problems encountered in the current conjuncture in the sector, important issues regarding the future of the cyber world were also included in order to present the future perspective to the students.

Real case examples explained

In the last part of the online event, important details about a real scenario determined by Brandefense were shared with the audience. In this context, a real scenario in which an employee who uses his own computer and saves his corporate e-mail accounts on his personal device during the transactions he made on behalf of the institution he worked in the past period poses some risks was discussed. Realizing that the account information saved in the browser was captured and circulated in the future, Brandefense experts made a root analysis and contacted the relevant institution before the institution information was abused and critical damages were prevented at the end of an 18-day process. With this case, which was resolved before any leaks occurred, the seriousness of cyber security threats was emphasized, while the security of company account information and the resolution methods of cases were also touched upon.

“95% of leaks are due to human error”

Brandefense Pre-Sales Solutions Manager Osman Karan, who drew attention to the awareness in the field of information security at the event, said, “It is seen that 95% of the leaks in the field of cyber security are caused by human error. In this context, it is seen that especially the young generation needs a serious information security awareness. According to Accenture data, 68 percent of business leaders think security risks in cyberspace have increased.” used the phrases.

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