Worrying statement: Twitter is withdrawing from the disinformation war!

According to today's allegations, Twitter, which fights against information pollution, will withdraw from the EU's disinformation regulation, which is a voluntary agreement.
 Worrying statement: Twitter is withdrawing from the disinformation war!
READING NOW Worrying statement: Twitter is withdrawing from the disinformation war!

Twitter has long struggled with the problem of disinformation. According to the latest news, Twitter will withdraw from the voluntary EU regulation to combat disinformation. This information, on the other hand, seems to hinder the platform’s fight against misinformation and information pollution. Here are the details!

Will information pollution on Twitter increase?

Twitter, which has been struggling with information pollution on the platform for a long time, surprised with the latest news. Twitter will withdraw from the EU’s disinformation regulation, which is a voluntary agreement, EU officials said.

Last year, the European Commission made the rules stronger. Thus, he asked companies to regularly submit data on advertising revenue from disinformation actors. Among the new obligations, there was also information about the number of political advertisements and the examples of manipulative behavior identified.

The EU official stated that Twitter has given signs that it will abandon this regulation. He also added that the company hasn’t been able to make a big difference lately because it hasn’t put in much effort. The official also referred to recently adopted technology rules.

In addition, the official made the following statement: “This means that they simply do not attend meetings and publish reports. They will still have legal obligations.” This shows that Twitter is not in a position to withdraw from the European market.

Vera Jourava, vice-president of the European Commission, said last month that Twitter is getting more and more annoyed by the rise of Russian disinformation on the platform. It also attracted attention that there was a wave of layoffs in the company with Musk’s coming to power. When all this is taken into account, there is a concern that the misinformation frenzy on Twitter will continue to increase.

So, what do you think about Twitter disinformation? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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