Digital Chat Station made a statement about Xiaomi 12 on Chinese social platform Weibo. Reliable leaker DCS said the device will feature features focused on the display and camera. He also predicted that it would be released in December.
Xiaomi Mi 11 was released on December 28, 2020. Still, this was a launch that only took place in China. The phone came to users globally in February 2021. At this point, a similar model seems likely to arrive in 2022.
DCS: MIX 4 will be superior to Xiaomi 12 in some areas
Digital Chat Station has also made accurate predictions many times in its past leaks. At this point, until an official information came from the company, the only information available came from here. When it is officially confirmed, it will be determined whether the rumor is true or not.
There are usually a lot of rumors about a phone before it is released. So far, there has been no leak with very solid information about the Xiaomi 12. Still, a few fan-made renders and images have surfaced. In addition, features such as 192 Megapixel camera and 200W charging were said.
Digital Chat Station thinks the MIX 4 will be superior to the Xiaomi 12 in some areas. In particular, the MIX 4 will be one of the two models with under-panel cameras. This reveals that the Xiaomi 12 will use a punch-hole display. In addition, MIX 4 will support higher voltage charging than Xiaomi 12. Still, it is expected that the two will provide fast charging times.
Will it use a glass back cover?
Xiaomi 12 does not follow the ceramic body MIX 4 model. Because Xiaomi executives publicly complained about the cost of using ceramics in the MIX 4. At this point, the Xiaomi 12 is expected to have a glass back cover that reflects the latest Mi flagship smartphones.
Xiaomi has yet to confirm an official launch date. Still, until the event date is confirmed, information about many more devices will continue to come. At this point, the technical features of the device will slowly come to light.
What do you expect from Xiaomi 12? Don’t forget to mention your ideas in the comments section!