A New Era in Collecting Aid from the Internet:

The Ministry of Interior has announced that all aid activities, including the internet environment, will be subject to permission with the new regulation it has published. Access to unauthorized activities will be blocked.
 A New Era in Collecting Aid from the Internet:
READING NOW A New Era in Collecting Aid from the Internet:

The ‘Regulation on Fundraising Principles and Procedures’ prepared by the Ministry of Interior and concerning the aid collection activities carried out on the internet was published in the Official Gazette last night. Along with the regulation, amendments were made to the legislation on aid collection on the internet.

Accordingly, aid collection activities to be carried out on the Internet were included within the scope of the regulation published by the Ministry of Interior. Thus, it will now be mandatory to ask for permission for all fundraising activities on the internet. With the provision that is planned to be added to the Aid Collection Law No. 2860, access to illegal aid collection activities on the internet will be blocked.

The articles in the published regulation are as follows:

  • Aid collection: Real and legal persons and public institutions and organizations requesting in-kind and/or cash aid at certain times and places, provided that permission is obtained or notification is made, in order to protect the public interest and to realize a certain purpose,
  • Aid collection activity: The process that starts with the application to the competent authority and covers the collection, registration, storage, spending of the aid in accordance with its purpose, issuing the final account and other related works and transactions,
  • Competent authority: It refers to the governorship or district governorship authorized to give permission or accept the notification to be determined according to the provisions of the Law No. 2860.

It was stated that it is obligatory to write the aid collection permission number, which is given over the Associations Information System, on all kinds of materials to be used in all aid collection activities, including the internet environment, by those who are allowed to collect aid in the regulation. Associations, institutions and foundations, which are determined by the President to collect aid without permission, will be content to write the year and number of the permission decision given to them.

In addition, information on those who have been given permission to collect aid will be published on the website of the authorizing authority and the General Directorate. The regulation came into effect from today.

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