A Brand New Science Center Opened in Gaziantep

The official opening of Müzeyyen Erkul Gaziantep Science Center took place. The center aims to create an area that will support the research and development processes for the projects of young people who are interested in science and technology.
 A Brand New Science Center Opened in Gaziantep
READING NOW A Brand New Science Center Opened in Gaziantep

The opening of Müzeyyen Erkul Gaziantep Science Center, the construction of which started in 2020 and has been hosting its visitors for a while, was held with the participation of Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank and Gaziantep Metropolitan Metropolitan Mayor Fatma Şahin.

The center is based on four main themes: basic sciences, technology and artificial intelligence, space and aviation, and energy and ecology. Besides the exhibition areas focusing on these four main themes, Teknogaraj, located in the center, has been organized to meet the workshop needs of young people preparing for national and international technology competitions. The tools, equipment and equipment that young people will need in their projects are also offered for use in the common area.

Spaces that teach science and technology are created in permanent and temporary exhibition areas;

In the ‘Basic Sciences’ section at the center, 43 permanent exhibition areas are offered to visitors on mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. In the ‘Space and Aviation’ section, there are many applications from the experience of walking on the Moon to the exhibition areas where the working mechanics of satellites and spacecraft are explained.

The center also includes a large exhibition area on global warming and climate change, and the ‘Artificial Intelligence and Digital Life’ section for current technological developments.

In addition to all this, the center hosts common areas, workshops and research and innovation spaces. The center, which serves to increase the interest of students and young people in these fields and to support their projects, awaits its visitors.

You can watch the video of Müzeyyen Erkul Gaziantep Science Center here;


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