‘Slave Room’ Discovered During Excavations in Pompeii

During the examinations made by Italian archaeologists and scientists in Pompeii, one of the most important historical heritages of the country, the rooms where slaves stayed were discovered.
 ‘Slave Room’ Discovered During Excavations in Pompeii
READING NOW ‘Slave Room’ Discovered During Excavations in Pompeii

Excavations and researches continue in Pompeii, which was destroyed as a result of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius about 2 thousand years ago, in 74 AD, and almost all of its population died. The city, which is one of the most important historical heritages of Italy, was discovered by chance as a result of excavations in 1748 after being unaware of its existence for hundreds of years.

Studies and excavations have been continuing in Pompeii since its discovery. Italian archaeologists and scientists discovered the rooms where slaves were staying as a result of their investigations in Pompeii. “A unique testimony to how the weakest of ancient society lived,” the press release said.

slave family

A few hundred meters from the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii, a room with three beds, a ceramic pot and a wooden chest was discovered under the house, which is thought to be a suburban villa. In early 2021, a nearly intact ornate Roman chariot was discovered in this area. Archaeologists believe that this discovered room housed slaves who were tasked with maintaining and preparing the car.

In the 16 square meter room, there are three beds, one of which is the size of a child’s bed, as well as eight amphorae hidden in a corner, wooden chests, metal and fabric objects resembling horse harnesses in the chest, and materials such as a ceramic jug. These remains show that a slave family lived in the room.

In Rome, slaves were no different from goods.

Italian Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini said in a statement regarding the discovered slave room, “An important discovery has been made about how everyday life was in ancient Pompeii. We got new information about a class whose lives we knew very little about at the time.” According to Roman law, slaves had no legal personality and were defined as goods.

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