The Quiz That Friends Fans Can Answer All Correctly

Any Friends fans here? We have a test for you, where people who have watched the series several times and finished it can answer all correctly.
 The Quiz That Friends Fans Can Answer All Correctly
READING NOW The Quiz That Friends Fans Can Answer All Correctly

If we made a list as the most special series, how much do you know about Friends, which will probably find a place in the top 5?

This test, which only true Friends fans can answer correctly, may make you want to start this series again.

What brand has Rachel worked for?

A) Chanel

B) Ralph Lauren

C) Victoria’s Secret

D) Louis Vuitton

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What city did Poebe’s scientist boyfriend, David, have to go to for work?

A) Belinski

B) Drezna

C) Minsk

D) Stock Exchange

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How many pages are in Rachel’s letter to Ross?

a) 17

B) 18

C) 19

D) 20

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Which of the following fruits is Ross allergic to?

A) Banana

B) Kiwi

C) Strawberry

D) Orange

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How many sisters does Joey have in total?

a) 5

B) 6

C) 7

D) 3

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What year was the first season of Friends aired?

a) 1991

B) 1993

C) 2004

D) 1994

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What is Chandler’s profession in the first seasons of the show?

A) Statistical analysis and restructuring of information

B) computer engineer

C) database specialist

D) Computer information collector specialist

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What was Phoebe’s original occupation?

A) Hairdresser

B) Singer

C) masseur

D) taxi driver

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Which of the following famous names did not make a guest appearance in the series?

A) Brad Pitt

B) Julia Roberts

C) Jean-Claude Van Damme

D) Nicole Kidman

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How many times has Ross been legally divorced?

a) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

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What was Gunther’s job before he started working at Central Perk?

A) Philosophy teacher

B) soap opera actress

C) Furnituremaker

D) scientist

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What was the occupation of Monica’s boyfriend Richard Burke?

A) dentist

B) ophthalmologist

C) Entrepreneur

D) Boxer

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