Artificial Intelligence Made Recruitment Processes Difficult!

It has been announced that artificial intelligence affects the recruitment processes. According to the statements made, employers began to be more meticulous when choosing the person they would hire.
 Artificial Intelligence Made Recruitment Processes Difficult!
READING NOW Artificial Intelligence Made Recruitment Processes Difficult!

Artificial intelligence, which gradually began to integrate into every part of our lives, also affected the business world. Today, the number of CVs created with artificial intelligence bots such as ChatGPT is not small. In addition, job seekers are also trying to impress employers by making use of artificial intelligence. All these show that artificial intelligence will change the recruitment processes.

Adam Nicoll, who works at a company that helps people find jobs in the UK, talked about the process of changing the recruitment processes of artificial intelligence. Speaking to the BBC, Nicoll stated that it was immediately understood that a CV or application letter was written by artificial intelligence, because the content created within seconds did not include any details about the personality of the applicant. In other words, the objectivity in artificial intelligence is easily understood by the experts in this field.

Getting a job will be difficult!

According to the statements made by Adam Nicoll, the first evaluation for those who applied for a job started to be made through social media. Yes, you don’t hear wrong; Your Instagram and LinkedIn accounts are meticulously reviewed by the HR units of the companies you apply for. In this way, information about your personality is obtained. However, social media accounts are not the only factor for the recruitment process.

According to the statement, employers have started to turn to non-technological evaluation methods in their recruitment processes due to the effect of artificial intelligence. In this context; The abstract thinking abilities of the candidate came to the fore rather than the concrete qualities of the candidate. Face-to-face interviews have also started to be preferred by employers due to artificial intelligence. All this is a clear indication that getting a job is becoming more difficult than ever because of artificial intelligence.

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