Shoes that Eliminate Loss of Balance Problem from B-Shoe

Special shoes that adjust the balance center have been developed in order to cure people's reflexes that weaken as they age. The shoes in question are perfect for people who have trouble standing.
 Shoes that Eliminate Loss of Balance Problem from B-Shoe
READING NOW Shoes that Eliminate Loss of Balance Problem from B-Shoe

B-Shoe, aiming to compensate for the weakening reflexes as we get older, has developed a special shoe that allows especially elderly individuals to stay in balance by bringing the center of gravity between the two feet, which is the first condition of standing upright again.

Many of us have grandparents who have fallen and broken or fractured their hipbone. Most of these falls are over the hips as the center of gravity shifts backwards, they can’t find anything to support them. Thanks to the shoes it has developed, B-Shoe aims to help old people balance without using a walker.

Dr. Yonatan Manor thought of such an idea after his father had a similar fall and raised the money to develop the shoes with a successful campaign. The shoe allows movement to re-center when the center of balance shifts backwards. Unfortunately it doesn’t work on stair steps. Since it is thought that the elderly can forget easily, the shoes come with rechargeable batteries instead of batteries.

Of course, it immediately comes to mind how it will work on rough roads or stony ground. The shoes, unfortunately, do not work on uneven floors. Of course, because it is an electronic system, it may not be a good choice to go through puddles or muddy roads.

The shoe only works in certain situations at the moment, but the development of the product continues. The B-Shoe team is working on prototypes to develop a much better shoe, and they are trying their best to protect older people from harm.

Video showing the use of B-Shoe shoes

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