Privacy Investigation from Canada to OpenAI!

OpenAI, creator of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT, is in danger of privacy investigation for allegedly collecting personal information without permission.
 Privacy Investigation from Canada to OpenAI!
READING NOW Privacy Investigation from Canada to OpenAI!

OpenAI, creator of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT, is in danger of privacy investigation for allegedly collecting personal information without permission.

Canada’s Chief Privacy Commissioner, Philippe Dufresne, announced that the AI ​​firm has begun an investigation. He said he may be planning similar actions related to the privacy investigation in Germany, France, Ireland and Spain. On April 4, the Canadian Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) made striking comments on the investigation. OPC stated that the investigation started based on the complaint of an unidentified person. In addition, Philippe Dufresne added that the company approaches AI technology very carefully in order to ensure that Canadian privacy rights are adequately protected.

Canada’s Privacy Officials Speak About the Incident

Philippe Dufresne expressed his views, stating that the company is extra cautious for AI technology;

AI technology and its impact on privacy is a priority for my Office, we need to keep up with and stay ahead of fast-moving technological developments and that is one of my key areas of focus.”

With the recent increase in the artificial intelligence trend, the risks posed by the subject have also appeared. Faced with privacy problems, AI has worried artificial intelligence lovers, especially after the investigation allegations.

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