Methods to Increase Sperm Quality

In order to have a child, a woman needs healthy eggs and a man needs healthy sperm. Unhealthy sperm negatively affect male fertility and cause infertility. There are some methods you can apply to improve sperm quality and some behaviors you should avoid.
 Methods to Increase Sperm Quality
READING NOW Methods to Increase Sperm Quality

The greatest desire of many couples is to have children. Unfortunately, the number of couples who want children but cannot have children is quite high. One out of every 6 couples has this problem, and the reason why one out of every 3 couples cannot have children is seen as male fertility. Having unhealthy sperms reduces male fertility and causes infertility, also known as infertility.

Some infertility problems are unresolved and alternative methods should be tried. However, if there is a problem in sperm quality, there are some methods to be applied and behaviors to be avoided. Don’t wait to get bad news from your doctor to apply them. Regardless of your age, aim to have much healthier sperm by applying these methods and avoiding behaviors.

What is the number of sperm required for pregnancy?

The number of sperm in the semen in one ejaculation ranges from 30 to 400 million per millimeter. There must be at least 20 million sperm per millimeter for pregnancy. This rate is the limit. In case of a decrease, it is concluded that the person has a deficiency in the number of sperm and the sperm quality is low.

What you need to do to improve sperm quality:

  • Sleep well and exercise regularly.
  • Quit smoking immediately.
  • Stay away from alcohol and other substances.
  • Stop using some drugs.
  • Make sure you get enough vitamin D.
  • Consume foods rich in antioxidants.
  • Increase healthy fat intake.
  • Limit your cycling.
  • Make sure you’re wearing the right underwear.
  • Stay away from stress.

Sleep well and exercise regularly:

Although there is no definitively proven study, it has been observed that overweight or obese men have an increase in sperm counts when they lose weight. It has been observed that as a result of regular exercise supported by regular sleep, the heart rate of men increased and there was an increase in both sperm count and sperm movement.

Quit smoking now:

In our previous article, we have explained in detail how smoking affects the person and the people around him. Tobacco consumption directly affects sperm quality negatively. In addition, it disrupts blood flow and causes erectile dysfunction, that is, impotence. Leave at once.

Avoid alcohol and other substances:

Earlier, we talked about how to limit your alcohol habit in our article here in detail. Studies show that excessive alcohol consumption reduces sperm movements and lowers sperm count. We think that there is no one who does not know about the lethal effects of other substances. If you have such an addiction, get help.

Stop using certain medications:

Some, but not all, antibiotics, anti-androgens, anti-inflammatories, antipsychotics, antidepressants, anabolic steroids, exogens, supplemental testosterone and methadone are known to affect sperm quality. You should stop these drugs or start using alternatives in consultation with your doctor.

Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D:

It is not known exactly why, but studies on the subject show that the amount of vitamin D and calcium in the body directly affects the quality of sperm. Vitamin D and calcium can be taken externally, but remember that the biggest source of vitamin D is the sun. You can hit two birds with one stone by doing your exercises outdoors.

Consume antioxidant-rich foods:

Antioxidants are the most powerful weapons you can use to eliminate some of the components that damage cells. Consuming foods containing beta carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, vitamin C, that is, antioxidants, will increase both sperm count and sperm motility.

Increase healthy fat intake:

Eating healthy fats is just as important as staying away from unhealthy foods. Among the healthy fats, the most important are omega 3 and omega 6 fats. Studies show that men who increase their omega 3 and 6 intake experience an improvement in sperm quality.

Limit your bike use:

As you know, the bicycle seat is not a very comfortable sitting point, it is obvious that it directly puts pressure on the testicles. It has been observed that men who cycle more than five hours a week have low sperm count. Even if this is not the only reason, it is useful to at least limit it a little.

Make sure you’re wearing the right underwear:

Sperm are found in the testicles. For this reason, it is extremely important that the testicles are at the right temperature and exposed to airflow. Wearing cotton and loose underwear will create the right environment for sperm production.

Avoid stress:

It’s easy to say but difficult to implement, but stress has an undisputed negative impact on sperm quality. Prolonged exposure to stress raises cortisol levels, which in turn lowers testosterone levels. Try to stay away from some stress, if not completely, by producing simple solutions.

We talked about the methods you can apply for healthy sperm and the behaviors you should avoid for healthy children. Applying these on a long-term basis will positively affect both your physical and mental health and increase your sperm quality.

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