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The Effect of Watching Porn Together on Relationship Revealed

A new study examining the link between intercourse and watching porn has revealed that couples who watch porn together have a happier and healthier relationship than previously thought.
 The Effect of Watching Porn Together on Relationship Revealed
READING NOW The Effect of Watching Porn Together on Relationship Revealed

Many studies examining the link between porn and intercourse to date have revealed that watching porn is bad for couples. Such studies even created a perception that people who watch porn are more prone to cheating.

A new study by scientists from Western University and the University of Rochester seems to eliminate negative thoughts about watching porn while in a relationship to date.

Couples who watch porn together have a healthier relationship

In almost all of the studies conducted to date, only one person’s opinion was taken into account. In other words, the people included in the study were either the porn watcher or the people who had a girlfriend who watched porn.

In this study, the views of both parties who preferred to watch porn together were included and 800 people, all of whom were heterosexual couples, were subjected to the study under 4 different scopes.

In the article published in Frontiers, the following statements were used about couples watching porn together; “In three separate studies, it was revealed that couples who watch porn together have a healthier relationship and experience more satisfying sexual intercourse than couples who don’t.”

Scientists who looked at relationships where only one party watched porn, concluded from this research that romantic people in the relationship did not watch porn anyway, or watched very little. It was also revealed that only one party watching porn negatively affects the relationship and leads to sexual dissatisfaction.

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