Tech giants join forces
NSF and the four tech giants will work on “co-design” on different fronts to develop next-generation chips. Samsung, Ericsson, IBM and Intel will join forces and work in areas such as device performance, environmental impact, recyclability, manufacturability. According to NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan, “The semiconductor and microelectronic materials of the future require the full spectrum of talent in the academic and industrial sectors, as well as interdisciplinary research encompassing devices and systems.”
The Foundation believes that this holistic co-design approach will contribute to the development of high-performance, robust, safe, compact, energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions. Within the scope of the program, new processing processes and chip designs will be worked on. Samsung, on the other hand, is already well ahead of the companies here. On the other hand, time will tell when we will see the fruits of this partnership.