Apple, now fined by Russia

Apple, which was fined $ 105 million by Japan last December, continues to stay on the agenda with the penalties it received. The Cuppertino giant now costs 1.2 billion rubles on the grounds that it abused its leading position in Russia.
 Apple, now fined by Russia
READING NOW Apple, now fined by Russia
Apple, which was fined $ 105 million by Japan last December, continues to stay on the agenda with the penalties it received. The Cuppertino giant will now pay 1.2 billion rubles ($17.4 million) for abusing its leading position in Russia.

Apple accused of restricting developers

As it is known, Apple has been the subject of many lawsuits due to its anti-competitive practices. However, as part of the investigation launched in October 2021, Russia’s federal Anti-Monopoly Service (FAS) claimed that Apple violated competition law with its app store policies. The final decision was made in the case, which continues to this day.

In a statement released today, FAS said that “iOS app developers are restricted by Apple from not providing customers with information about third-party payment methods within the app.” In this context, the commission, stating that users are offered a single payment method, fined the company 1.2 billion rubles ($ 17.4 million).

There has been no response from Apple yet to the decision taken. But the Cuppertino giant had to lift App Store restrictions and allow developers to use alternative payment systems as a result of lawsuits filed in the US and EU. Reportedly, Apple will have to pay the fine within two months.

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