The True Face of Baba Vanga Prophecies

Throughout history, there have been many characters who claim to hear from the past and see the future. Baba Vanga is one of the most recent and most popular of these. Its story is quite interesting.
 The True Face of Baba Vanga Prophecies
READING NOW The True Face of Baba Vanga Prophecies

The name Baba Vanga and often ‘Baba Vanga’ prophecies for this year have emerged! Here are those prophecies!’ You must have seen the news that was heated and presented with headlines such as

Well, have you ever thought about this; Where is the source of these prophecies? Why is it that the alleged words of a woman who died in 1996 are reported as ‘newly revealed’ without relying on a constant and reliable source? Who is the famous Baba Vanga, how can she be a ‘seers’ who is trusted without question?

Baba Vanga’s story is full of incredible details and has been turned into a fairy tale;

He was born two months earlier than he should have been, and started life with a struggle for life and death. Fortunately, he managed to survive and grow. However, he lost his mother when he was a child. While this was happening, he was blinded by a rather interesting event. His father was a member of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization and later joined the war in the Bulgarian army.

It is said that when she was a child, while she was wandering around with her two cousins, a tornado picked up Vanga and dragged her two kilometers from where they were. When they found him, his eyes were covered with dust. She became infected and Vanga, who could not be treated because her family did not have adequate conditions, went blind.

There is no record of a tornado/storm on the alleged dates of the incident, there are many question marks such as how the tornado that caught her did not grab her other two cousins, how Vanga only lost her eyes after being dragged two kilometers and thrown…

Then Vanga went to the school for the blind, got an education. It was during these years, however, that some early signs of his ‘visions’ began to appear. He made predictions about whom the young girls in the village would marry, and gave people information about their health.

At the age of 29, he had an illness. The doctors said he would die, but the next day his brother found him suddenly healed as if he had never been sick…

After this ‘turning point’, Vanga said that a man on a horse visited her in lights and started telling her what she had to say to people…

During the Second World War, Vanga’s popularity began to rise; now they were coming to him not only from the surrounding villages, but also from farther afield.

During the war, many people visited Vanga and began to ask about the fate of their relatives who went to war. Were they dead? Would they come back? Did they have a grave?

Vanga became more and more famous for her answers to these questions. However, I guess we can guess that it is not very difficult to justify by saying that most of the people who came during a great world war ‘died’ or ‘crippled’…

Baba Vanga became an increasingly popular figure within the borders of communist Bulgaria in the post-war period. But it also began to play an interesting role in the balance between communism and the church.

Baba Vanga, who was initially described as a kind of ‘sorcery’ and was not welcomed, was allowed to continue her activities after her popularity. Long queues and large crowds began to form around the house where Vanga shared her ‘visions’.

Then the state intervened and declared Vanga the official state oracle by attaching it to the municipality. Police were appointed to prevent the problems caused by the crowd coming to the meeting.

Fees are started to be charged for the meetings. If you were a citizen of a communist state, you had to pay 5 dollars, if you were not, you had to pay 50 dollars.

Vanga, who meets with at least 100 people every day, naturally started to earn a lot of money from these meetings. The money was transferred to the municipality.

It is said that Baba Vanga did not accept any gifts or money. All these years he had only one wish;

The divine power that appeared to her and depicted as a man on a horse and in lights conveyed a position to Vanga; He said that that area was the place where he would see his visions most powerfully. Vanga also said that a house should be built in this region surrounded by wetlands and hot springs, surrounded by greenery, far from people…

A private house was built for Vanga at this location, which is about 10 km from her home in the town of Petrich, where she lives with her husband. Vanga began to receive visitors in this house.

In the following years, a monastery, church and special facilities were built in the area where this house is located.

Baba Vanga described herself as a devout Orthodox Christian, but she was not on good terms with the Orthodox church. He was even brought up to be excommunicated many times, but the church could never do this due to the great support it received from the people.

Vanga, who was tired in the following years, wanted to close the monastery from time to time. However, his requests for admission to the monastery were rejected by the church because of bad relations. As such, over the years, a monastery and a church were built around Vanga’s house.

The Orthodox church regarded Vanga as an opportunist who collaborated with the devil and evil spirits.

The great affection of the people to Vanga weakened the ties between the Orthodox church and the people. According to some sources, this was seen as a plus for the atheist communist system. Bulgaria of the time, which created ‘its own cultural prophets’ who did not promote any religion, was also making money from this process. So everything was fine…

Baba Vanga’s prophecies about political figures have generated controversy over the years;

As you have noticed from the beginning of the story, Vanga’s popularity is controlled by the Bulgarian government from the very first moments. The Bulgarian Communist Party has taken under its control the famous names and political figures that Vanga will meet.

Vanga is said to have been accompanied by a government-appointed ‘translator’ during the talks. Visitors are often assistants to Russia’s leading political figures and some critical characters. Vanga usually invites these people herself and gives information about their health and the work they need to do. “Your health will deteriorate, you should quit politics…”

The corner where Baba Vanga accepts its visitors

Countless topics like this and the fact that Vanga was so integrated into the world of politics naturally gave rise to many questions. It has even been claimed that there are many listening devices in his ‘private house’ where he later settled, and that the KGB and the communist government used Vanga to make many dirty political games…

Vanga’s constant statements that ‘Russia will reach eternal power, will never be destroyed, will become the world leader’ and the USA will perish, draws extra attention as this is the case.

And of course, a small village in the middle of poverty in Bulgaria has become a tourist paradise full of restaurants and hotels thanks to the popularity of Vanga.

A view from Baba Vanga’s museum house; mugs, bags sold…

Visitors from all over the world can still visit Baba Vanga’s houses, which have been turned into a museum, and the huge facility where the monastery and church are located. They can even buy Vanga dolls as gifts for their children…

Finally, let’s come to the prophecies; None of Vanga’s prophecies about people’s health and lives are clear.

Vanga always includes expressions that can be drawn to many places in her prophecies. This causes what he says to match an event at some point in history, of course.

Moreover, there is not even reliable evidence that these statements were made by Vanga. Because the only source of his prophecies are his relatives around him. He generally prefers to talk about personal issues with the journalists who interview him.

There are many unfulfilled prophecies.

Baba Vanga;

  • A cure for cancer will be found in 2008,
  • The Third World War will take place between 2010-2014 and Russia will be the leader of the world by winning this war,
  • A black president will come to the head of the USA, but there will be no US president after that president and the USA will come to an end,
  • In 2018, a miracle drug will be developed that will improve the general health of people and that we will not get sick thanks to this drug,
  • In the 2050s, we will develop spacecraft that move at the speed of light,
  • There were great civilizations in the past of humanity and these civilizations were encouraged to develop by aliens,
  • Asthma is from drinking cold water,
  • The cause of infertility is the common cold, fear of unwanted pregnancy and early sexual activity,
  • He also says that tumors form after a fall or injury and that the cause is bumps.

But as you can see, neither of these are true. Vanga also said that the end of the world will come in 7000 years, but of course we have about 5000 years to see if this is true.

Many journalists who visited Vanga also say that what the oracle said was not true, that he often asked questions and tried to make some guesses based on the answers he received, but mostly unsuccessfully.

But of course, people prefer to believe those who say ‘what they said turned out to be true’ instead of these explanations. In addition, there is no information in any source that Vanga makes a dozen prophecies for each year. A few things he said are constantly being reinterpreted every year and spread as ‘Baba Vanga’s prophecies this year’…

It is scientifically impossible to ‘predict’ and see the future and tell from it.

But there are many studies on why people tend to believe these ‘pseudo-prophecies’ and even how you can make up your own coherent prophecies with a little effort…

For this reason, it seems that it would be wisest to proceed with proven information rather than believing in a series of prophecies whose origins are not even known…

  • Source: Global Disinformation Lab, Anthropologist Galia Valtchinova, Professor of History Veneta Ivanova, Violeta Periklieva,

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