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US new UFO report published, far from solving the mystery, deepened it even more

Although the source of some mysterious events was explained in the new UFO report published by the USA, the most striking part was the gradual increase of unexplained events.
 US new UFO report published, far from solving the mystery, deepened it even more
READING NOW US new UFO report published, far from solving the mystery, deepened it even more

A new US government report on unidentified weather phenomena or UAPs shows that many mysteries remain about unidentified objects appearing in the sky. However, it is unlikely that you will find the words alien or extraterrestrial in this report.

UAPs are known as UFOs or unidentified flying objects, a more popular acronym. These objects are often associated with alien visitation concepts that we often see in science fiction. The US government is now required to issue an annual report to Congress on UAPs. On Thursday, an unclassified version of the 2022 report was made public.

A notable point in the 2022 report was the increase in UAP events. Most of the new reports came from Navy and Air Force personnel, including aviators. ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) has recorded 247 more observations since the 2021 report and also added 119 more discovered or reported after this preliminary assessment was released. This brings the total UAP observations over the past 17 years to 510.

Multiple factors may be contributing to the increase in the number of new UAP events. The ODNI said that “the observed increase in the UAP reporting rate is partly due to a better understanding of the potential threats that UAP may represent as flight hazards to safety or potential enemy gathering platforms, and partly to a reduced stigma surrounding UAP reporting.” It is used as a reference to the possibility that the s may be linked to foreign governments collecting intelligence information.

The U.S. Department of Defense’s All Area Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) collects and analyzes UAP reports. AARO describes 163 of the 366 newly identified reports as “balloons or balloon-like entities.” Half a dozen are so-called “messers,” which include birds or floating debris such as plastic bags. The other 26 were likely drones. This total leaves 171 “unqualified and unassociated” events. In other words, the mystery about UFOs continues to increase.

ODNI and AARO do not make a definitive statement about truly unknown objects. “Some of these uncharacterized UAPs appear to exhibit unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities and require further analysis,” the report says. ODNI also adds that most reports lack detailed data.

ODNI says UAPs pose a flight safety risk, but there have been no reported collisions between UAPs and US aircraft. Overall, the report is poor in detail and unfortunately lacks any notable references to visitors from beyond our planet. But it can be clearly seen that hundreds of events that we still cannot explain still exist.

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