OnePlus ‘accidentally’ advertised iPhone

While OnePlus wanted to advertise OnePlus 11, it shared a tweet with the Twitter for iPhone tag! Here are the details...
 OnePlus ‘accidentally’ advertised iPhone
READING NOW OnePlus ‘accidentally’ advertised iPhone

OnePlus, one of its official Twitter accounts, sat on the agenda of social media with its sharing. Because the tag under the sharing on Twitter shows which device it was shared on. The technology giant also got its share from this situation and while trying to advertise for OnePlus 11, which will be introduced soon, it shared with the Twitter for iPhone tag.

Elon Musk announced that Twitter for iPhone will remove it!

At the bottom of the tweets on Twitter, there is a tag stating that the sharing is done via Android or iPhone. But this label puts brands like OnePlus in a difficult position. Finally, the famous YouTuber Marques Brownlee, while publishing his awards for the best smartphones of 2022, also gave one for the OnePlus 10T.

OnePlus America’s social media account responded to Marques Brownlee, asking how they would receive the award, and wrote “we’ll prove you wrong” for the OnePlus 11 that it will introduce in 2023. But the Twitter for iPhone tag, which attracted attention under OnePlus’ tweet, backfired for the company.

Brownlee shared a screenshot that meant laughing out loud LOL (Laugh Out Loud) with a screenshot she took shortly after. OnePlus, on the other hand, did not respond to any tweets after this incident.

OnePlus 10

Many brands have made the same mistake as OnePlus before. It has been revealed many times that not only the official accounts of smartphone companies, but also CEOs of companies use iPhones in this way. Technology giants made a statement on this subject and explained that they generally recognized their competitors in this way.

Elon Musk has recently announced that this label will be removed due to the agreements he could not reach with Apple on advertisements. But after meeting with Tim Cook, he did not make any changes in this regard as they had solved the problems.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think OnePlus will make a statement after its Twitter for iPhone tagged post? You can express your views in the Comments section.

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