Finale in Ripple-SEC Litigation: Prepare for These 4 Results!

In the Ripple-SEC case, both parties come up with their final arguments. Jeremy Hogan identifies four outcomes of the case...
 Finale in Ripple-SEC Litigation: Prepare for These 4 Results!
READING NOW Finale in Ripple-SEC Litigation: Prepare for These 4 Results!

As the end in the Ripple-SEC lawsuit draws to a close, both sides are laying out their final arguments. The blockchain company managed to gain the upper hand at certain points during the trial. US attorney Jeremy Hogan now identifies four possible outcomes for the case.

Jeremy Hogan shares four outcomes he predicted for Ripple-SEC lawsuit

The US lawyer suggested in his latest statements that Ripple can still win the case. In a Youtube video dated December 9, he pointed out that both sides have a chance to win. Hogan first explains what will happen if Ripple wins the case. He says that if the summary verdict states that XRP is not sold as a security, Ripple will win outright. In his own words:

The first premise and most likely reason why I think Ripple will win is that it has no legal obligations to XRP buyers after the sale takes place. There is no after-sales obligation. In other words, there is no investment contract without an investment.

Second result: Ripple loses

Hogan gave warnings in his second guess: Despite the general public’s belief that Ripple will prevail in the lawsuit, the company has a good chance of losing the lawsuit. However, he stated that the probability of Ripple losing is about 30%. He also stressed that Ripple could be in trouble if the company loses the case. He suggested that if Ripple revealed that it used the proceeds from the sale of XRP to expand its business of facilitating international payments, the judge could rule in favor of the SEC:

The only thing the SEC did well in its previous briefings was laying out all the statements, emails and YouTube videos various Ripple employees talked about the price of XRP. I mean, they had eight years of work. Judge Torres looks at all these statements and agrees with the SEC.


Hogan also says the case could end in a draw. He points out that there is a 19.1% chance that the judge will not decide in favor of either side:

Judge Torres decides that early sales of XRP are sales of securities, but at some point the sales lose that designation and become a non-security sale.

Hogan said that the odds of a draw are unlikely given the effects of the case on the overall market. According to him, the judge will make a reasoned decision in the light of the statements presented by both parties.

Snap decision

The last guess of the lawyer speaks of the possibility that the judge can always make an unexpected decision. He points out that this is often the case in judicial proceedings. According to the explanations in the last part of the video:

The fourth possibility might be something no one really thought of, and that happens sometimes in lawsuits. As a result, the legal summary’s official litigation estimate is Ripple’s 50.12% chance of winning the SEC’s 29.88% chance.

In fact, the biggest expectation of investors is what will happen in Ripple price after the lawsuit. In the past, when the court ruled in favor of Ripple, XRP had seen the news with small gains. Meanwhile, Ripple’s biggest trump card is the speeches made by former SEC official William Hinman in 2018. In these statements, which are recorded as Hinman documents, the official says that Ethereum (ETH) is a security.

At the same time, Ripple gained momentum after the court accepted friendly briefings from businesses and cryptocurrency associations using XRP technology. Additionally, Ripple is ignoring legal issues, as evidenced by continued investor confidence in the business. As we included in the analysis, the Blockchain company has reached a value of $ 15 billion. As a result, it means that it is the largest representative of the cryptocurrency market among the top ten startups in the US.

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