The John Wick series, which started in 2014, will have its fourth movie next year. The series, which gained acclaim with its action scenes and story, came to the fore again today with a statement from Keanu Reeves.
Reeves, who is preparing to appear on the big screen again as John Wick, started his statements about the fourth movie that increased expectations. Reeves’ first rousing statement was that the movie was his hardest to date.
John Wick 4 will feature more high-tension action than any other movie:
Speaking at the CCXP 2022 event in Brazil, Reeves said, “John Wick 4 has been my hardest action movie to date. But that’s what makes it good.” used the phrases. Reeves also shared details about an action scene, stating that “many people” tried to kill Wick, and there was a fight in traffic.
John Wick 4 stars Keanu Reeves, Donnie Yen, Bill Skarsgård, and Laurence Fishburne, as well as Hiroyuki Sanada, Shamier Anderson, Ian McShane, and Natalia Tena. John Wick 4 will hit theaters on March 24, 2023.
John Wick 4 trailer: