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How to Prepare a Hospital Bag? What Should Happen?

Is it almost time to take the little individual who has been your companion for 9 months in your arms? Here are tips that will make your job easier when preparing a hospital bag!
 How to Prepare a Hospital Bag?  What Should Happen?
READING NOW How to Prepare a Hospital Bag? What Should Happen?

The hospital bag is started to be prepared at 32 weeks, considering the possibility of premature birth, as you may feel involuntary excitement when the delivery is very close. The first thing you need to do is to prepare a list of basic needs for what you will put in your bag, taking into account the opportunities that the hospital where you will give birth will offer you.

Making a list of what to put in your hospital bag saves you a lot of time. Not to mention the birth bag. It is important to meet the needs of both mother and baby in the best way possible. That’s why we’ll look at what two different maternity bags contain, saying for the mother and for the baby.

How to prepare a hospital bag for expectant mothers?

As a mother-to-be, you should consider that you are going through all the difficulties and add all the requirements that will make you feel comfortable in the bag. You can choose clothes that are easy to wear and change.

What you should not forget here will be the comfort of our individual who has just opened his eyes to the world. While breastfeeding the baby, you can give priority to cotton clothes that will make you and him feel more comfortable, buttoned, not sweaty and will dry quickly.

Must-have clothes in the maternity bag

  • cotton nursing bra,
  • Disposable panties or plenty of sanitary pads if they will be difficult to change,
  • Nightgown, dressing gown or pajama set,
  • Socks (There will be changes in body temperature as there will be a lot of blood loss.),
  • Non-slip and comfortable slippers,
  • Clothing that will make you feel comfortable for the day you will be discharged

In addition to the clothes, do not forget to have the documents and files you will need for hospital procedures with you. We recommend that you have materials that will help you during the breastfeeding process and personal care products that you can use to make you feel better after giving birth. If we list all these requirements, you can add the following to your clothes;

  • Your hospital file, documents and insurance card,
  • milk pump,
  • chest pad,
  • cream for nipple
  • nursing apron,
  • shampoo, conditioner,
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste,
  • Moisturizer,
  • Purse,
  • Charger

What should be in the baby’s birth bag?

Now it’s time for the needs of the smallest member of our house. One of the most important things to pay attention to in newborns is to give priority to items with cotton fabrics that will not disturb the skin and will not sweat. You can come across many options on the Internet where you will find all your needs in a package.

You can use your preference for such packages or you can supply your needs one by one. While preparing the hospital bag, do not forget to prepare the clothes and some items in a backup way. Since babies’ skin will be very sensitive, it is recommended not to put the clothes in the bag without washing and ironing.

In addition to the clothes, do not forget to put hygienic products for your baby as you put them in the bag you prepared for yourself. Choose carefully by researching products that have special formulas for babies. You can make your baby feel the warmth of the mother in the best way and offer him the safest place. Let’s take a look at what can be in a newborn hospital bag;

  • 2 or 3 overalls,
  • 2 or 3 pairs of trousers,
  • A few pairs of socks
  • pajama set,
  • 3 pairs of gloves,
  • Cardigan or vest,
  • blanket suitable for the season,
  • Apron,
  • 3 hats,
  • bath towel,
  • mouth tissue,
  • Diaper,
  • Rash cream and baby wipes specially produced for babies,
  • nappy changing cover,
  • muslin cover,
  • baby shampoo,
  • car seat,
  • Bottle,
  • Pacifier (There is a possibility of reducing breast sucking, it is recommended to put it depending on your preference.)

What are the tips for preparing a hospital bag?

Prepare the hospital bag, considering that you will be more sensitive right after birth. The convenience of preparing the bag with your companion will be knowing what will be in your bag and where. You can prepare different bags for mother, baby and companion.

Since it can be difficult to carry 3 different bags, you can use the different compartments of a large and multi-compartment hospital bag according to your needs. Your baby’s mittens, booties, socks and other small items can easily be mixed with other necessities.

That’s why we recommend putting these items in different bags or in a different compartment of the bag. It will be easier to prepare it this way so that you can find it more easily and store it in a more hygienic way.

We prepared the hospital bag. It’s time to where to put it or when to put it in the car. Make sure the bag is in a place where you can get it easily. It is not possible to plan when the birth will come, so it will be easier for you to keep it in the trunk of your car near the birth.

In addition, if the bag is in an accessible place, we would like to remind you that if you forget the bag, there is a possibility that someone else will bring it. After making all the preparations, all you have to do is wait for your baby.

Should a hospital bag be prepared for the companion?

Finally, we would like to say that your companion or spouse will be as excited as you are and it will be beneficial to reserve a place for him in the hospital bag. Now let’s take a look at the companion needs or other needs that can help you later.

  • Personal belongings of the companion (toothbrush and paste, shaver, perfume, deodorant),
  • Slippers for the companion,
  • Pajamas or comfortable clothes,
  • Electronic devices such as phones, tablets, chargers,
  • Camera,
  • snack foods

We can say that the bag is completely ready now, you can add things that you can think of later, but it is useful to take care that the bag is not too heavy. If you forget something, we recommend that you do not worry about it.

The hospital will also have opportunities to offer you, or the things you forget can easily be replaced later. All you have to do after birth is to enjoy motherhood and start making new memories with your baby!

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