Logic Errors in the Hababam Class Series

Did you know that there are many outtakes and logic errors in this magnificent series that we never get bored with and laugh out loud every time we watch it hundreds of times?
 Logic Errors in the Hababam Class Series
READING NOW Logic Errors in the Hababam Class Series

These mistakes are still not enough to damage the series. After all, these films had to be shot in very short timeframes and on low budgets. Fortunately, thanks to the sincere acting of the actors as if they were members of our family and the creativity of Rıfat Ilgaz, these flaws were the spice of the series.

The strange thing is that it is very difficult to notice these errors, as the series affects us enough to hypnotize us every time. We understand from these mistakes that “Nothing is perfect”.

Here are those mistakes that will not devalue the series in your eyes and that both surprise and make you smile:

What character comes to mind when you think of Hababam Class and Ayşen Gruda?

Is this?

Or is this it?

Yes, Ayşen Gruda plays two different characters in the same series. While he was the presenter of the quiz show in the first movie, he took part as a student in the third movie of the series. Moreover, despite the passage of 3 years, he shrunk in age and turned into a high school student.

Speaking of quiz, there is also an error on the stage:

At 3.26 minutes in the video, the presenter asked, “What’s another name for X-rays?” When he asks the question, because the radio signal is mixed, the copy does not come and there is confusion.

When the answer to the question did not come because the signals were mixed, the cow Şaban started to bullshit by saying, “Sir, there is x-ray, then there is voyeurism…”. Presenter “Wrong!” says.

However, Cow Saban gave the correct answer. X-rays are also called x-rays. What is causing this error could be the wrong question asking. Actually, “What’s another name for X-ray?” The question should have been asked, and İnek Şaban, who heard this, should have talked about “voyeurism”.

Ayşen Gruda, who asked the question, obviously mistakenly replaced the question with the answer. Another possibility is that the question may have been asked correctly, but Kemal Sunal, who knows the correct answer because he read the script, talks about x-rays while improvising. Ayşen Gruda may have continued without breaking it.

Another mistake in the quiz scene is “No more!” he says. Watch out for the girl with glasses on the opposite team!

In the quiz video above, the girl with glasses, who is on stage as a contestant at 4.05, applauds herself in the audience after 2 seconds.

Quantum entanglement can explain why the girl can be in two places at the same time, or she may have a twin, but the reason is obviously a fictional error.

Because this girl was in the audience before she went on stage. They accidentally took those moments and added them in.

One of the most conspicuous of the logic errors is the famous tunnel digging scene. As with the girl above, there is quantum entanglement again!

In order to dig a tunnel and go to Mahmut Hoca’s room, both environments must be on the ground, right? But as far as we know from some scenes, Hababam is upstairs!

For example, in the teachers’ room, the teachers said, “They don’t make a sound.” Then they show the upper floor.

Let’s remember the scene where Hafize Ana helps the Hababam Classroom to cheat:

As you can see, Mahmut Hoca’s room is on the ground floor of Hababam. How did the tunnel opened from the upstairs classroom come out of the downstairs, is this a portal?

In another scene, one of the students sends paper to the classroom downstairs through the boards.

Smoke starts to rise to the upper floor because the student below is smoking. From this, we understand that Hababam is clearly on the upper floor of another classroom. You know, there was Mahmut Hoca’s room under it?

In another scene, when Mahmut Hodja is in the teachers’ room, he hears the footsteps coming from the upper floor. When Mahmut Hodja asks which class is the top, he gets the answer “Hababam”. Eh, Hababam was above another class?

And again, it is not possible to dig a tunnel on it. We also know that Hababam descended the stairs to the upper floor as if crushing Hafize Mother when the recess bell rang, or left the dormitory and went to the classroom upstairs.

According to the escape plan drawn by stump Necmi in the manner of Michael Scofield in Prison Break, Hababam is on the ground floor.

We are confused… Is my father on the ground or upstairs? If it’s upstairs, is it above another classroom or above the teachers’ room?

Even if the classroom was constantly being changed, the inside of the classrooms would not look the same, and the teachers’ room and the assistant principal’s room would have to be constantly relocated.

Let’s also give additional information that the escape plan, which looks like it was drawn with Autocad, was actually drawn by an engineer.

Dilaver Gür, who played the role of Dilaver in the movie and whose main profession was an engineer, was studying engineering at Istanbul Yıldız Technical University at that time and drew the escape plan on the board at the request of the director Ertem Eğilmez.

Let’s call the fact that everyone in the big class supports Fenerbahce is “too absurd”, not a logic error.

It’s rare for everyone to keep the same team, even in nuclear families. Moreover, all of the female students support Galatasaray. Are all the teachers from Beşiktaş or?

Mahmut Hodja easily finds Hababam as if he had put it on a stage in a huge stadium with his own hand. It seems like it was taken too easy here.

Remember the “hardworking” student nicknamed Bead? This kid is actually not a hard worker!

Bead is asked to be fired by the principal because his father did not send the school tuition. Thereupon, Dilaver says, “They fire the man who reads, they force the man to read, just like you and me.” Hafize Ana said, “What was left for her to graduate?” makes a sentence like

In other words, Boncuk is actually a hard worker and when he is about to graduate from high school that year, the principal wants to be fired. Then Hababam starts collecting tribute to teach Boncuk, Mahmut Hodja wants to punish them, but when he finds out why, he pays Boncuk’s installment out of his own pocket.

Everything is smooth so far, but we see Boncuk again in the next films of the series. Well, you were graduating that year? In fact, Hababam failed his class twice because he failed in his class.

As we understand from Boncuk, there are also poor students, but in the first three films, it was said that Hababam consists of spoiled rich children.

Since it is a private school and as we understand from their families’ good looks at parent meetings, they are really the children of relatively wealthy families. However, in the movie “Hababam Classroom is on Vacation”, when the school has to be closed, the line “If the school closes, so many poor children will stay on the street in winter” is said. Well, these were the spoiled rich kids?

Let’s come to another hard worker: Ahmet

Ahmet is really hardworking, but he fell victim to some mistakes. For some reason, this key character is absent for most of the second half of the movie. The reason for this may be that the scenes were shot at different times and later combined. For some reason, he suddenly appears in the scene of helping the villagers.

Damat Ferit calls his child “my son” at 51:14 minutes and “my daughter” at 1.11.09 minutes.

Actually, although this seems like a script error, it’s a voiceover error. Pekcan Koşar, who voiced Tarık Akan, said, “He’s attracted to his mother, son!” instead of “My son is attracted to his mother.” There was a confusion of meaning because of what he said.

Also, Damat Ferit was married and had children in the first movie, but this was never mentioned in the second movie. It was even hung on Semra Hoca.

There is also something strange about the scene where they make a hole in the wall to escape from school.

As they run towards the wall, look carefully to the left, you can see a bus passing by.

So when there was a low wall they could jump over, they tried to break through the whole wall.

Was the philosophy teacher’s name Lütfü or Akil?

You probably know him as Akil, but he was introduced to Mahmut Hoca as Lütfü Hoca in the first movie (minute 9.30).

For some reason, his name was Akil in the following films. Let us inform you that the real name of the player is Akil.

Şener Şen voices the doorman Veysel Efendi in the first film, and his voice changes in the following films.

In the same series, we hear the same voice in Tulum Hayri.

In other words, Şener Şen is voicing two other characters besides himself. Even weirder, Tulum Hayri’s voice changes in other movies. This time we hear the voice of Dinçer Çekmez.

  • There are also two different voiceovers at 4:48.

Since the character of Badi Ekrem was included in the series with the second movie of the series, Hababam Class Left in the Classroom, the voiceovers in the first movie may have changed for this reason.

There is also a blooper: Who is it that appears on the left in this frame?

A moment when the lightman enters the frame.

In the first movie of the series, the doctor (Ekrem Dümer) who takes care of Mahmut Hoca appears as an officer of the Ministry of National Education in Hababam Class Failed.

Apart from Ayşen Gruda and Ekrem Dümer, Leman Akçatepe is also seen in two different roles.

While she plays the role of a teacher in a girls’ high school, she appears as Ferit’s mother in the other movie. Let’s give additional information, as the surname suggests, she is the mother of Halit Akçatepe. Sıtkı Akçatepe, who plays the role of Pasha Nuri (gazi), is his wife.

In another of the shooting mistakes, the sky lights up in just 10 seconds.

This time, the time jump took place and the curtains opened by themselves.

As we mentioned at the beginning, these errors are the spice of the series.

Keep watching every time without getting tired…

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