What Does the Tale of the King Naked Mean?

We can clearly see the impressive power of literature in the story of the king naked. So much so that although it is a short and simple children's tale, even an adult can see the worst form of arrogance when listening to it. Let's take a closer look at what the story of the king naked, which has been passed down from generation to generation, means and what it means.
 What Does the Tale of the King Naked Mean?
READING NOW What Does the Tale of the King Naked Mean?

Today, there is democracy and we can elect our rulers by voting. However, in the old period, the rulers and nobles who somehow took the throne ruled the countries. When this was the case, there would be no direct communication between the people and the rulers, and the words that needed to be said were conveyed through literature. One of them is the story of the king naked. The tale of the king naked boy, based on folk tales from hundreds of years ago, is one of the most loved ones even today.

Have you ever thought about what the story of the king nude means? Although it seems to have a simple matter of a stupid king being disgraced by his mistake, he actually talks about arrogance, which even the monotheistic religions regard as the greatest sin. So much so that even if you are a great king, it tells you what will happen to you because of your arrogance. Let’s examine briefly what the story of the king nude means, what it means, and see the lessons we need to learn from this fairy tale.

What is the story of the king nude? Here is the tale of the king naked:

Once upon a time, there was a king of a country in a sieve. This king was not a bad person, but he was not interested in the problems of the country, he was always busy with dressing up and getting himself new clothes. Of course, the people were not happy with this situation at all. One day, the king issued an edict inviting the best tailors of the country to the palace.

One of the tailors who came told the king that he was going to sew a special outfit from a fabric that was unprecedented in the world. Days passed and the tailor came with a new dress he had sewn. The tailor dressed the king beautifully and put him in front of the mirror. When the king saw that there was not a single piece of cloth on him, he thought that the tailor was making fun of him and shouted in anger. The tailor, on the other hand, politely said that only smart people will see this fabric.

The king did not want to be thought of as a fool, so he sent a lot of gold to the tailor. Everyone around her was saying how wonderful the outfit they hadn’t seen. The king mingled with the people, wearing his clothes that only the smart ones see. Then a boy came out and pointed to the king and said, ‘Oh, the king is naked, naked!’ she cried. When everyone started to laugh, the king shyly returned to his palace.

What is the story of the king nude?

The story of the king nude was written by the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen with the title of The Emperor’s New Clothes, so it is one of the Andersen Tales. Translated into more than a hundred languages, the tale was first published in 1837. There are also Spanish and Indian versions of the tale dating to 1335 and 1238. So the tale of the king naked is actually a folk tale.

The story of the king naked is a story that is frequently mentioned both in our country and in the world, especially targeting politicians. The king’s arrogance, a swindler taking advantage of this arrogance, those with him not to warn him even though it is his duty, the people to keep silent despite seeing the whole truth, and the children, who are the purest creatures in the world, to say everything openly.

We will talk about its meaning in a moment, but perhaps the first lesson we should draw from the story of the king naked should be the power of literature. Even if it was shouted in the squares, fights broke out or talked for hours, a message as strong as that of such a short tale could not be conveyed. Maybe that’s why when Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was asked how he founded this country, he said that he spent one cent of every two cents in his pocket for books.

What is the meaning of king nude? In fact, we see in Ottoman:

The tale of the king naked, which was created by the compilation of hundreds of years old folk tales, became an idiom after a point. Because almost all of us know the tale and we understand what is meant when the king is said to be naked. Unfortunately, no matter what period of history we are in or how we choose him, he becomes an absolute naked king.

Even though the king character in the story does not fulfill his duties, the ruling class drowned in unnecessary arrogance, the wisest fraudulent character in the story, those who took credit for himself by deceiving the ruling class, the sidekicks who gave false praise to the king, the bureaucrats who did not want smart rulers for their interests, the people who remained silent, the mass ignorance and social fear, finally the whole world. The child who tells the truth tells that the truth will come out one day, no matter what.

In fact, there is a saying in our culture that gives this message in a much shorter way than this short tale. During the Ottoman Empire, the sultans used to pass through the people while going to the Friday prayer and perform the Friday Salam. There, the sultan of the people could not flatter. To remind him that he is only the ruler of this country and not to be arrogant, ‘Don’t be proud, my sultan, God is greater than you!’ they would shout.

So is the king really naked?

Let’s look at this tale from another angle. Maybe the tailor is really right and has found a fabric that really only the smartest people can see. Couldn’t the king, the king’s deputies, the people, and even the child be wrong about this? After all, the great king will not be fooled so easily.

If you thought this way for a second while reading the story of the king nude, unfortunately there is a big problem. Because if we look at which ruler of any civilization throughout history, we see that they brought the end of their country precisely because of the peoples who think like this.

The people can be fooled, the assistants can be fooled, even the king can be fooled, but a child cannot be fooled easily. Whatever the case, there is a boy somewhere who has not been deceived and says that the king is naked. If you hear a voice that says the king is naked, albeit with a weak voice, it is useful to stop and think.

Okay, the king is naked, what should we do?

Even though the story of the king naked is a tale told through the arrogance of the rulers, in fact, we all inevitably fall into this kind of arrogance in our daily lives, in our relationships or in our business life. It is wrong to think that such arrogance is just because someone is supporting or flattering us. I’m sure there will be someone out there who will say you’re wrong. It’s good to listen a little.

We talked about what this fairy tale tells by answering questions such as what is the meaning of the story of the king naked, which is a fairy tale that has been passed down from generation to generation and tells about the evil of arrogance. What comes to your mind when you read the story of the king naked? You can share your thoughts in the comments.

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