Will Artificial Intelligence Bring the End of Humanity?

In a new study, scientists announced that we need to be much more careful when working with artificial intelligence, otherwise artificial intelligence may bring the end of humanity. Let's take a look at the details of the research together.
 Will Artificial Intelligence Bring the End of Humanity?
READING NOW Will Artificial Intelligence Bring the End of Humanity?

One of the most used topics in science-fiction series, movies and games for years is artificial intelligence and their destruction of humanity. Considering that there are self-learning and very strong artificial intelligences in today’s technology, it is not difficult to foresee a danger.

However, according to scientists, the extent of this danger may be quite large. Because, according to a recent study, scientists say that artificial intelligence can bring the end of humanity if we are not careful.

How can artificial intelligence bring about the end of humanity?

In a joint study by Oxford and the Australian National University, researchers predict that artificial intelligence’s ability to learn by itself may change its perception of the commands we give it.

Recently, Elon Musk shared a video of artificial intelligence robots producing in his factory. Of course, this is great for our immediate future, but how reliable can a self-learning AI be?

Because these artificial intelligences are designed and coded to solve problems that humans cannot solve, but programmers cannot write code to control infinite possibilities.

Let’s say the artificial intelligence in this Elon Musk’s factory produces paper clips. What if these artificial intelligences, which produce paper clips according to the commands we have given for now, find a better way to produce paper clips on their own and start using it?

‘What’s in it?’ You might say, but think about it this way: What if the way this artificial intelligence found to produce paperclips is a way that would endanger humanity? What if it starts sucking resources from various production chains just to make paperclips? Or if he finds the human manager inadequate and decides to ‘replace’ it?

Of course, these are all assumptions and this is just one of them. If you are interested in the research and are wondering how to avoid such problems, you can read the full research paper published here. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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