YouTube custom domains launched

Emphasizing usernames as unique tokens in its early days, YouTube introduced long and complex channel names with the channel feature. Now we are returning to the concept of the early periods. Special names for YouTube channels Ha...
 YouTube custom domains launched
READING NOW YouTube custom domains launched
Emphasizing usernames as unique tokens in its early days, YouTube introduced long and complex channel names with the channel feature. Now we are returning to the concept of the early periods.

Custom names for YouTube channels

This new feature, called Handle, will have customized names like Thus, like Facebook, Telegram or Twitter, YouTube has switched to naming that is easier to remember.

Starting in the coming days, this new feature will start rolling out to creators and they will be asked to specify a name. The Handle feature, which is an important step in differentiation, will also offer the opportunity to mention more easily in the comments.

The channel names of producers who already use customized naming as will also be automatically transferred to the new format. It is stated that the feature will start by considering the number of channel subscribers and visibility.

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