What Is Good For Tonsil Swelling?

Swelling of the tonsils, which ruins our hours and even our days, puts us in a difficult situation when we least expect it. Sometimes it even makes us unable to eat. Because if you are faced with swollen tonsils, you cannot even swallow. We answered the questions of what is tonsil swelling and what is good for you.
 What Is Good For Tonsil Swelling?
READING NOW What Is Good For Tonsil Swelling?

Swelling of the tonsils, which ruins our day when we least expect it, even causes us to be unable to eat anything at times. In fact, this problem can last for days when necessary, and if it continues continuously, the situation can progress to surgery. We answered the question of what is good for tonsil swelling so that your day is not ruined. If you are facing a tonsil problem, you can eliminate this problem by gently swiping down.

Although tonsil swelling may seem simple, it may have serious conditions behind it. In other words, you may find yourself in a tonsillectomy just a few days after you think “it’s a simple tonsil pain, it will pass”. In fact, you must have a relative who has had tonsil surgery before. You can also get information by asking them about this process. But if you are wondering what is instant tonsil swelling and what is good, we have listed the most effective solutions for you.

What is good for tonsil swelling?

Gargle with salt water
applying cold
licorice lozenge
Honey fortified drinks
avoid dry weather

First, what is tonsil swelling?

Tonsil swelling is a condition that occurs as a result of infection or inflammation in your body. In fact, instead of calling it a disease for tonsil swelling, we can briefly say that it is a symptom caused by the infection in the body. The oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of your throat stand on both sides. If you are faced with tonsillitis, you may experience severe pain and difficulty swallowing.

Most causes of swollen tonsils are due to a persistent infection coming into contact with your body. Especially in school-age children, tonsil swelling can occur frequently. This is based on their risk of rapid infection, as they are constantly in the school setting and with other children. If you are faced with swelling of the tonsils, it is useful to apply to a health institution for a solution. Because the measures not taken beforehand bring out irreversible results in the future.

If the infection in your tonsils becomes a serious condition, a surgical removal of your tonsils may occur. Because the infection in your tonsils will make you can’t even drink water after a while.

Tonsil swelling symptoms

  • Appearance of red and quite swollen tonsils
  • Yellow or white patches on your tonsils
  • severe sore throat
  • Inability to swallow or painful swallowing
  • High fever
  • Spots on the neck
  • Bad breath
  • Stomach ache
  • Neck pain with stiff neck
  • Headache

Tonsil swelling actually has many symptoms. If you are facing one or more of the above problems, you must be experiencing tonsil swelling. In particular, if you have severe sore throat and inability to swallow, it would be beneficial to consult a healthcare provider as soon as possible.

So what causes tonsil swelling, what are the causes?

  • Harmful foods you eat
  • Not washing your hands after being in crowds
  • Taking the infection transmitted with your hands to your mouth
  • flu virus
  • Adenoviruses with great effect on the upper respiratory tract
  • herpes virus

The biggest obstacle to tonsil swelling is actually hygiene. Because this symptom, which occurs as a result of infection entering your body, fights infections as long as it swells. Constantly washing your hands and brushing your teeth will prevent tonsil swelling to some extent.

What is good for tonsil swelling?

  • Gargle with salt water
  • applying cold
  • licorice lozenge
  • Honey fortified drinks
  • avoid dry weather

Gargle with salt water

The most effective solution to relieve a sore throat caused by tonsils is to gargle with warm salt water. When you gargle with warm salt water, it will touch your tonsils. After doing this for a while, you will notice that the pain in your throat is greatly reduced. Salt water will reduce the inflammation in your tonsils as well as reduce the pain. While preparing the brine, mix it until you see that the water you add to the water has dissolved.

applying cold

If you have had tonsil surgery before, you must know how important it is to eat ice cream. If your tonsils have swollen, you can reduce this swelling and pain by eating ice cream. Because cold pressure on the inflamed areas of our body will cause the inflammation to decrease. For this, when you are faced with tonsil pain, try consuming ice cream or frozen drinks.

licorice lozenge

Consuming lozenges containing anti-inflammatory has a great effect on the faster death of inflammation. For this reason, you should definitely choose licorice lozenges among lozenges. Licorice lozenges play a major role in reducing the infection and inflammation in your tonsils, as well as reducing your pain and making you swallow. Every age should not consume licorice lozenge. In young children, you need to treat them using drugs that are more suitable for them. There is a high probability that they will not be able to swallow the licorice lozenge.

Honey fortified drinks

First of all, drinking ginger or fennel tea in a warm way allows you to get treatment faster thanks to the anti-inflammatories in it. However, adding honey to the tea you drink will also play a major role in reducing inflammation. Drink the teas warm. Drinking hot or boiling tea will have no effect, even if it seems logical from the outside.

It is very important that you prefer pure honey. For example, add 1 teaspoon of pure honey to a tea you drink and mix it. Then, when the tea is lukewarm, consume it. In a very short time, you will notice how fast it works.

avoid dry weather

In dry weather, you will also notice that your throat is irritated, along with difficulty in swallowing. For this reason, you should never be in dry environments when faced with tonsil swelling. The environment you are in should be slightly humid. In this way, you will notice that swallowing in your throat is much easier. If you have the opportunity, you can try using air humidifiers in your home. If you do not have an air humidifier in your home, you can provide this with a hot bath.

We answered the question of what is good for tonsil swelling for you. If you do these things and there is no change in your tonsils, you should definitely see a doctor. Because the problem that appears as a simple inflammation can cause much bigger problems in the future. Have you ever faced tonsil swelling before? If you are stuck, do not forget to share your solutions with us.

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