Description for FSD 10. 2 Beta update from Tesla

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that the Full Self-Driving (FSD) 10. 2 Beta update has been delayed.
 Description for FSD 10. 2 Beta update from Tesla
READING NOW Description for FSD 10. 2 Beta update from Tesla

The Full Self-Driving (FSD) 10. 2 Beta update, which was planned recently and will be available to approximately 1,000 Tesla users with excellent safety scores, has been delayed. Making a statement about the delay, Elon Musk expressed some concerns about the system structure.

Tesla has been frequently overseen by regulators such as the National Transportation Safety Board lately. Jennifer Homendy, chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, said the company should not release the FSD Beta until it addresses security flaws in its technology.

FSD 10. 2 Beta update delayed

Tesla has developed an artificial intelligence algorithm that predicts whether its users will crash in the future from their driving style. The created artificial intelligence evaluates the user’s driving by determining the driver’s score between 0 and 100.

Musk, who made a statement on the subject on Twitter, said, “There are a few last-minute concerns about this structure. We’ll probably post it on Sunday or Monday. Sorry for the delay. ” he said.

It is worth remembering that Tesla is not the first software update delay event. The FSD 9 Beta update, which has been delayed for years, was not offered to users because it made erroneous decisions.

The update, which will be offered to drivers with 100 points, will be analyzed for several days. When it is understood that there is no problem in the update, other users will also receive an update.

Tesla’s website states that the driver’s safety score is measured according to 5 different factors. First, it is checked whether the driver has received a collision warning at 1,600 km. It is then determined whether the driver frequently brakes hard and maneuvers aggressively. The system, which checks whether the driver maintains the following distance and causes the autopilot system to be disabled, by means of sensors in the vehicle, gives points to the driver’s driving.

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