Google Introduces New Single Row Keyboard

Google has introduced its new single row keyboard, Gboard Bar, which it claims can find letters much more easily than with a traditional keyboard.
 Google Introduces New Single Row Keyboard
READING NOW Google Introduces New Single Row Keyboard

Google has many physical or digital tools that you can see and use for accessibility. Google is perhaps one of the companies that pays the most attention to this issue. Now, their Japan office has decided to come up with a fun vehicle.

Google Japan has announced the Gboard Bar, a physical keyboard with all keys arranged in a single row. Google Japan states that its new keyboard has some advantages, and the most important is that it allows users to find the key they are looking for faster than ever before. Let’s watch the video if you want.

Google single row keyboard with search letters easier to find

Google comes up with a new design that places all the keys in a straight line, making it easier to find letters compared to a traditional keyboard. According to the firm, this design minimizes the need to look in all directions, as with a traditional keyboard.

In addition, the new keyboard is said to have ergonomic and health benefits, allowing the arms and legs to flex naturally while typing. The device has additional features like becoming a physical extension of your limbs, making it easy to press buttons out of arm’s reach.

This single-row keyboard can even be used as a ruler to measure objects, or even as a staff while hiking. It can be easily cleaned with just a cloth. In addition to this keyboard, Google also has plans for a version with emojis and a game model with an LED.

According to the information we have received so far, we do not know whether this is a joke or something serious from Google, because there are no plans to mass produce or put it on sale. However, the product has a Github page, you can check it out if you wish. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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