Old Kids Games We Once Played

Even though we have grown up, the children's games we played in the past still remain in our hearts. We have gathered together for you the games where you can go on a long journey towards your childhood. If you wish, let's move on to our content without further ado.
 Old Kids Games We Once Played
READING NOW Old Kids Games We Once Played

If you’re asking, “Are the children now children or what we used to play?”, here is our list of children’s games that we used to play, which will allow you to take a long journey to your childhood. Those games that we played with our friends from the neighborhood or the apartment in our childhood and that we did not realize how our time passed while playing, are never erased from our minds, no matter how old we are. Games that we start playing in the morning but do not realize when the evening call to prayer is being recited, no matter how big we get, sometimes “should we play again?” evokes thought.

Sometimes we played hide and seek, sometimes simit, and sometimes hopscotch. We have made you take a long journey towards these games that we play at school, when we come home from school and whenever we have the opportunity with our peers. We are sure that your attention while playing hopscotch or the excitement of playing hide-and-seek is waiting inside you, no matter how old you are. If you wish, let’s go to our list of children’s games that we played in the past without further ado.

Kids games we used to play:

Hide and seek
Handkerchief Grab
I sell oil
9 months old
Skipping rope

We are sure that each of us has played: hide and seek

Let’s come to the game of hide and seek, which we guess you have played at least once from these games. It was very important that you hide in the best place while our friend turned to the wall and counted to 50. However, after hiding, you had to be so close to the spotting location that you should be able to spot the caller without seeing you. In your childhood, you always have a “hide and seek expert” friend around you with whom you want to hide. If you don’t have a friend with whom you hide and change your clothes when necessary, you can most likely be that hide-and-seek expert.

He wanted a great balance: Hopscotch

If you have a very strong balance today, maybe this feature comes from the game of hopscotch. Because to play the game of hopscotch, you had to have a pretty strong balance and attention. If we need to remember the game of hopscotch, you had to jump over one foot after you put the stone or tile in your hand on the right square. But beware, if your stone or foot touches the white lines, you are very likely to get burned. Sometimes we played hopscotch by imagining it, even though it was a hopscotch arrangement that we drew with the means at our disposal.

If your breathing was strong, you were always successful: Bagels

Let’s come to our big adrenaline-filled game. The Simit game, which we enjoyed playing especially during breaks in schools, was becoming as dangerous as it was enjoyable. If we remember the logic of the game, the midwife comes to a curb and the other players spread out not far from him. The midwife “Siiimmiiiiiiit!” he has to hobble a person until he’s out of breath, jumping off the pavement. Otherwise, he returns to the pavement and becomes a midwife again. Of course, some of us played this game by kicking and slapping the midwife until we got back to the pavement. Unfortunately, some of our friends could be very cruel in this regard.

You were lucky if you kept the ball in the air: Stop

When we look now, the istop game, which requires great attention and coordination, was one of the most enjoyable games of our period. We had important tasks such as catching the ball before it touched the ground, hitting your target friend in one go, and it was not easy to do. Now let’s come to the way the istop game is played. Although Istop is a game that you can play with a minimum of 4-5 friends, it starts by throwing a ball in your hand and saying the name of a friend. Your friend, whose name you say, has to catch the ball before it falls to the ground, and as soon as he catches it, he shouts “stop”. However, everyone around him can no longer move, and your friend holding the ball hits one of the other players to make it a midwife.

Real snipers came from here: Marbles

Let’s say before we start, the aim of real players is determined in marble game, not in CS: GO. Let’s come to the marble game, which is a very enjoyable game both with its appearance and with its playing. Some of us played marbles better on the ground, while some of us were better shooters on asphalt. In fact, we each played the marble game according to our own rules. Because as a result of this, there was a risk of losing our marbles. If we look at the marble game in general, the game, which aimed to hit the marbles lined up on a certain line, was played with at least 3-4 people. The players were arranging their marbles on a triangle or straight line, while the other player was trying to hit the marbles with the marbles in his hand. The marbles you hit were now yours. This game, which we played for fear of losing my marbles, turned into tournaments between the neighborhoods after a while. In fact, we are sure that our followers, who keep their marbles from your childhood, are currently reading this content.

With your eyes closed, you had to be both alert and have good feelings: Blind

Let’s come to the game Körebe, which is perhaps one of the most difficult games of our childhood. Körebe is a game where a midwife, whose eyes are tied with a scarf or handkerchief, catches the other players while their eyes are closed. While the midwife is blindfolded, other players constantly touch her and try to disorient her. If the midwife catches one of the other players while blindfolded, that player becomes a midwife and will be blindfolded in the next game. The game of blindfold was a game that demanded a lot of feeling and you had to be able to walk confidently on the ground while blindfolded.

Fast one wins: Handkerchief Kapmaca

Let’s come to a full team game. In order to play the handkerchief snatch game, you need equal teams. Of course, and a referee friend who will hold the handkerchief. As soon as the referee puts down the handkerchief in his hand, you have to grab that handkerchief and go back to your team without being scrutinized. If you can grab the handkerchief, you’re one step ahead. But of course, it’s not all about grabbing the handkerchief. After snatching the handkerchief, you must return to your team without being punched by your opponent. If you are middling, the opposing team gets a point, not you.

Take the handkerchief, catch the midwife: I sell oil

“I sell oil, I sell honey, my master is dead, I sell. My master’s fur is yellow, if I sell it, it is fifteen liras. zam-bak-zum-look, turn around and take a good look!”. Yes, we know that you read this nursery rhyme with the same rhythm as you did in your childhood. Because in a corner of our minds, there is always a game of selling oil. The game of selling oil is played by forming a certain circle. Other players sit in this circle and the midwife turns around this circle by saying the rhyme above. The midwife leaves the handkerchief in her hand behind one of the players in the circle. The player notices that handkerchief and starts chasing the midwife. If the midwife succeeds in sitting in the place of the player who has been removed without being caught, that player becomes the new midwife.

If you throw a ball from the ground, you pass into the goal: 9 months old

In fact, when we introduced this game as 9 months old, some of our followers may not remember it. Because each friend group of this game had their own special names. Let’s get to the logic of the game. A player moves into the goal and becomes the first victim. Other players try to score a goal for that player. Of course, this is no ordinary goal. Goals scored by the goalkeeper must be scored before the ball touches the ground. In fact, in order to score a goal, you have to get a pass from the air from another player and you can score a goal as a result of that pass. However, while you can touch the ball maximum once while on the ground, you have the right to touch the ball as many times as you want while it is in the air. If the ball enters the goal from the ground, passes by the goal and goes back, and you score the ball without a pass, you will be the new goalkeeper.

What we sometimes know as a girl’s game: Skipping rope

Boys, who said, “Brother, jump rope is a game for girls, let’s play a single castle match”, quickly gave up what they said when they started jumping rope. Because, although jumping rope was called “this is a girl’s game” in the boyfriends environment, boys enjoyed jumping rope at least as much as girls. Jump rope game can be played by one person or 3 people if you want. Two people will hold the rope, while another player will jump rope as much as he can without getting caught. In this process, of course, it is also important how many times the jumping rope player jumps.

We have gathered together the children’s games that we used to play for you. Although not as much as before, some children today continue to play with these games instead of phones or tablets. The legendary games of our childhood may have formed the basis of some of the features that make us who we are today. For example, if you have good balance, it may be because of the hopscotch game you played when you were little. What games did you enjoy playing in your childhood? We look forward to your favorite games and childhood memories below!

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