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Chain Markets Will Be Opened Outside the City, on Ring Roads

Some details have emerged regarding the Retail Law, which the government is known to be working on for a while. According to the information obtained, there is talk of bringing the supermarket system in the USA to Turkey as well. With this system, chain store branches can be opened outside the city centers and on the ring road.
 Chain Markets Will Be Opened Outside the City, on Ring Roads
READING NOW Chain Markets Will Be Opened Outside the City, on Ring Roads

While the discussions about 1,000 cooperative markets, which were announced to be established in Turkey, were continuing, Ayşegül Kahvecioğlu from Milliyet wrote a remarkable article. The news about the “Retail Law”, which the government has been working on for a while, and based on government sources, reveals that there may be big changes in our country.

According to the information obtained, government officials, who examined the practices in other countries related to retail and chain markets, have discussed the incident in all details. So much so that when the markets will open, how they can make discounts, where they will be established and how to prevent unfair competition are all examined according to the examples in other countries. The most striking aspect of the studies is an application in the USA.

The law is thought to include even e-commerce

It is thought that the Retail Law, which the government is working on, may bring the supermarket application in the USA to Turkey. Accordingly, the new chain store branches to be opened in Turkey will be located on the ring road, far from the city centers. In this way, it is stated that the tradesmen of the neighborhood can be protected to some extent. On the other hand; With the possible tax reductions to be applied to the e-commerce sector, the way for consumers to reach cheap and quality products will be opened a little more.

To be frank, the applicability of the Retail Law in Turkey seems to be very difficult. Because there are 234 chain markets serving throughout Turkey. The total number of branches they have opened so far is around 35 thousand. In other words, wherever the citizen steps, there is a branch of a chain store. We will see how likely it is to accept the new application while the citizen can reach a market so easily.

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