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What Is Licorice Root, What Does It Do? Benefits

Licorice root, which has been scientifically proven to be good for countless ailments even when it is boiled and drunk a little, was used as a medicine by many civilizations in the times when modern medicine was not yet developed. What is licorice root, which is also a food and beverage sweetener, let's take a closer look at what it does and see its benefits.
 What Is Licorice Root, What Does It Do?  Benefits
READING NOW What Is Licorice Root, What Does It Do? Benefits

Plants have a magical world. While we feel good even when we look around and take a deep breath, we really find healing when we take a few of these plants and consume them. Of course, it is recommended to get advice from a specialist doctor for the dosage, but in the times when modern medicine was not yet developed, plants were used as real medicine. One of the oldest of these is licorice root.

When we look at the history of licorice root, we come across China, Sumerians, Egyptians, Indians, Greeks and of course we Turks. It has been found in the lands of all these civilizations, which was established because it has a wide growing area, and its healing power has been discovered. Even today, the benefits it offers as a supplement alongside modern drugs have been scientifically proven. What is licorice root, which is also used as a food and beverage sweetener, let’s take a closer look at what it does and see its benefits.


What is licorice root?
What does licorice root do?
Let’s look at the history of licorice root dating back to ancient civilizations
What are the benefits of licorice root?
Effective against skin diseases
Good for reflux and indigestion
It has anticancer properties
Effective against respiratory ailments
Has a positive effect on dental health
Provides diabetes and weight control
Reduces hepatitis C and menopausal symptoms

For those who don’t know, what is licorice root?

Licorice is a type of shrub from the legume family. Licorice root is the root of this shrubby plant. The homeland of this shrub, which can reach 120 -150 cm in size, is Russia and China, but it also grows in Mediterranean countries, some parts of Europe and some parts of Asia. In addition to being a delicious plant, licorice root has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years because it has positive effects on human health.

So, what does licorice root do?

The most striking feature of licorice root and the first reason why it has been indispensable throughout history is that it is extremely delicious. Many different cultures have drinks, sherbets, candies, and similar products made using licorice root. It is even said that one of the important components of cola, whose formula is secret, is licorice root.

As if it is delicious, licorice root is also medicinal. It is especially effective on upper respiratory tract disorders. It is good for stomach acid-induced reflux and similar ailments. By strengthening the body’s immune system, it increases its power in the fight against bacteria and viruses. In modern studies, it has been found to be effective against some types of cancer and diseases such as hepatitis C.

Let’s look at the history of licorice root dating back to ancient civilizations:

When we go back in time and look at where licorice was used, the oldest date we come across is 2800 BC. During this period, licorice root was used by the Chinese as a medical miracle. He knows that at the same time, Sumerians and Indians also used licorice for medicinal purposes.

The benefits of licorice root are mentioned in many works written in that period, especially the works of Ibn Sina. The ancient Egyptians used licorice root against stomach diseases and made a refreshing drink from it. It is known that licorice root was used against cough, chest diseases and respiratory diseases in 400 BC.

When the tablets from the Sumerians and Hittites are examined, we see that licorice root is mentioned as ‘an antidote to every panacea’. Alexander the Great had his soldiers eat licorice root during his expeditions to all over the world so that they would not be thirsty. In the book called Seyahatname written by Evliya Çelebi, it is mentioned that licorice root has a relaxing effect on the respiratory tract and is delicious.

What are the benefits of licorice root?

It is effective against skin diseases:

It is little known, but many skin diseases and conditions such as acne, eczema and even pimples are caused by bacteria and viruses. licorice root; It has more than 300 ingredients with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects. In one study, it was observed that patients who used a gel containing licorice root improved their discomfort within two weeks.

It is good for reflux and indigestion:

Licorice root has been used for thousands of years for ailments such as reflux and indigestion caused by an imbalance in stomach acid. In a 30-day study of 50 adults, those who consumed 75 mg of licorice root capsules each day showed improvement. Even in simple conditions such as heartburn, licorice root has a positive effect.

It has anticancer properties:

The effects of licorice root on cancer have only been tested in animals, but the results are extremely positive. It has been observed that licorice root prevents cell growth in cancer types such as skin cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer. At the same time, licorice root has a healing effect on mouth sores caused by chemotherapy.

Effective against respiratory ailments:

Another area where licorice root has been used for thousands of years is respiratory ailments. The secret of licorice root, which is effective even on simple ailments such as cough, is hidden in its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In this type of ailment, it is recommended to consume licorice root tea. Although the results are not conclusive, licorice root also has positive effects on asthma.

It has a positive effect on dental health:

The cause of cavities in our teeth is bacteria, while licorice root has antibacterial properties. In a 3-week study of 66 children, children were given lollipops containing 15 mg of licorice root twice daily. It was observed that the number of bacteria named streptococcus mutans, which is the main cause of cavities, was greatly reduced.

Provides diabetes and weight control:

It doesn’t offer a definitive solution, but a 60-day study found improvements in blood sugar levels and kidney health in diabetics who consumed licorice root. It has also been observed that weight loss is much faster in people who consume licorice when supported by diet and sports.

Reduces hepatitis C and menopausal symptoms:

It has been observed that licorice root has positive effects on hot flashes that frequently occur in women during menopause. A similar situation was observed in hepatitis C disease. The results are not conclusive, but it has been observed that virus spread is reduced in hepatitis C patients who consume licorice root.

We talked about the details you need to know about the subject by answering questions such as what is licorice root, which is a plant that has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, what it does and what are its benefits. What we describe is for informational purposes only. As with all health issues, you should get the most accurate and specific information about the use of licorice from a specialist physician by applying to the nearest health institution.

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