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It Is Announced That Oracle Follows 5 Billion People One by One(!)

Oracle has developed machine learning to collect data from 5 billion people, according to a new criminal complaint filed with the California court. Moreover, it was also shared that the company collected this information through proxy through contracted companies.
 It Is Announced That Oracle Follows 5 Billion People One by One(!)
READING NOW It Is Announced That Oracle Follows 5 Billion People One by One(!)

Oracle, which is the world’s second largest software company and operates in 145 countries, faced a major accusation today. The company, which provides application development tools, servers, software solutions and more, has been accused of developing a machine learning tool to collect, organize and sell your personal data. We say your data because the claim in question probably includes your data and ours as well.

The most important point that made this accusation striking was, of course, the size of the company where the accusation was made and its place in our lives. Oracle has some share in the applications and platforms used in every part of the world today. So much so that the company is said to have access to the personal data of 5 billion people, that is, more than half of the world’s population.

He allegedly collected any information he could about you:

The accusation in question against Oracle was made by senior member of the Irish Civil Liberties Council, Dr. Made by Johnny Ryan and three agents. Speaking about the lawsuit filed in the Northern District of California, Dr. Ryan claimed that Oracle violated the privacy of billions of people around the world.

According to the council, Oracle targeted internet users to create a large data archive containing highly private information. Billions of personal files on the company’s “Consumer Identity Chart” allegedly contain many data points, including people’s income, interests, emails, medical care, political views, location history, online spending, and bank account activity. Providing an example of this, the Council noted that an Oracle database has a record of a German citizen using a prepaid debit card to bet 10 euros on a sporting event.

In addition to all these, it was reported that Oracle may have indirectly used the contracted data and advertising companies. According to the accusation, Oracle managed to obtain personal data that data and advertising companies prefer not to track, by creating proxies for this data. In other words, Oracle allegedly submitted this request in a different way, not as a ‘name’ in a deal where it wanted to acquire your name.

While Oracle has not yet made a new statement about the accusation, the accusation has already managed to become a big agenda around the world.

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