Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Talent in the Future?

The eye-catching works of artificial intelligence systems such as Dall-E and Midjourney bring thoughts such as 'artificial intelligence will replace talent' in society. So what are the artists' thoughts on this?
 Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Talent in the Future?
READING NOW Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Talent in the Future?

We showed you a very small part of what Dall-E, developed by OpenAI, can do in fun ways. In another of our content, we witnessed how this artificial intelligence can be the scene of scenarios when it falls into the wrong hands. Whichever way we look at it, there is one truth that will not change: This system will open doors that have never been opened before to artists, app developers and more.

This part is also confusing. Because while some people on social media think that these artificial intelligence systems will cover the talents of artists, others say that they will support the artists and provide them with new opportunities. We will also look at the thoughts of the artists on this issue in order to give a different perspective to the two sides.

We asked the artists to guess which of the following images was created by artificial intelligence.

All were unsurprisingly able to guess the correct one. So, can you find the one made by human hands? We have the answer at the end of the article.

Our question is: Do you think artificial intelligence will replace talent in the future, or will it open new doors for artists and be supportive rather than a hindrance?

The answer of Berk Kaan Kaya, who creates space designs that activate different emotions:

He’s making really great progress. But I don’t think it will replace talent in its current state. It has an inspiring system that definitely opens new doors for artists. Artificial intelligence has a lot of ideas about the thoughts in the designer’s head and can make you many sketches based on your thoughts.

I see AI systems in their current state as an inspiring “sketch”. I also see that beautiful works emerge when the artist does not leave it in its raw form, but processes and shapes it according to the fiction of the artist in line with his own art. I think it is a system that supports the artist in every way.

The answer of Yaşar Vurdem, whose eye-catching illustrations we see on US billboards:

Personally, I don’t think artificial intelligence will replace talent and artist. On the contrary, like other technological tools, I think it will be a resource and tool that will contribute to the creative processes of artists. In other words, even if artificial intelligence produces images that are beyond perfect and masterpieces in the future, we will always want to continue to reflect our own art and thoughts.

The visuals created by artificial intelligence will be raw and insufficient in this regard. Images created by artificial intelligence by manipulating and imitating images from keywords will need to be reprocessed because it will not be able to fully capture the unique style, knowledge, stylization/style and talent of the artists.

And I have no doubt that it will be a very useful tool when it comes to concept art, character design and transforming thinking. Speeding up production can be really beneficial for increasing reference resources. For example, if a concept artist has difficulty in converting their ideas into a draft, they can make their work easier with these tools.

Commenting on the subject by Ezgi Topdağı, who left mouths open with the details in her works:

It’s a versatile question. I don’t believe there is only one answer to this. Because for some, it is the brush stroke of a master, for others, it is an easy way to do without effort. If I speak for myself, something done without effort is worthless in my eyes compared to a work that wasted days and hours and was made with real thought. It doesn’t sound sincere to me to write a few words and say “I produced something” with the resulting image, because it is not you who produced it, artificial intelligence.

I think this is unfair for artists who spend hours producing something with artificial intelligence. I believe that artists who really spend time on artificial intelligence and think about it will stand out. Likewise, I believe that artists who deal with art branches such as illustration and sculpture in the traditional or digital field and who take time for this will also stand out. A bright and talented person shows himself in every way.

Being so easy to manufacture has its downsides. But the world is evolving. And we have to make the best of what we do. When there is such a thing as artificial intelligence, it would be unreasonable to ignore it and not take advantage of its conveniences. Speaking of my area of ​​interest, I’m not dealing with AI, but I acknowledge that AI can devalue my work from some point of view. Because there are millions of people and perspectives.

As long as I try to do the best, the most transparent of what I do and I don’t get into a race, I protect the value of my own work and I think that’s how it is for everyone. In summary, it would be the healthiest thing to evaluate this question on an individual basis rather than artificial intelligence. Because artificial intelligence is just a tool. If an artist is talented, he makes artificial intelligence speak with his talent, and artificial intelligence opens new doors and provides convenience to these artists.

The answer of Hakan Yılmaz, who uniquely blends our rich cultural heritage with the new technology: Art is not about producing visuals.

It’s about generating context. You don’t need a visual skill to create a creative relationship between two different topics or concepts that have not been related before. This can only be handled with pure creativity. So, is creativity a talent? No, creativity is a behavior.

Even if you put 3 stones in front of many creative artists I know, he can make enjoyable art works with them. Therefore, no matter how easy the use of artificial intelligence engines that produce visual results are, if you do not have pure creativity and conceptual thinking skills, artificial intelligence can only produce visuals for you.

Art is the name of its underlying sparkle of intelligence, and not every image has that sparkle. Let’s not forget that; Artificial intelligence cannot suffer, miss, cry for the longing of anyone, and be happy like a child. So he has no feelings. If there is no emotion, there is no art. I think artificial intelligence tools are a great development in terms of art technologies. I think that every artist who produces in the digital field should examine it. Because, as humanity, we have never been able to perform “Visual Synthesis” until today.

A similar revolution took place in the music world in the 80s.

Electronic devices called “synthesizers” produced new sounds by synthesizing two different sounds. For example, new sounds were produced by synthesizing violin and piano sounds. As a result of these interesting experiments, the type of music we call pop music came into existence and turned into mainstream music.

All electronic music emerged after this revolution. The subject of image synthesis in the visual world is on the verge of a revolution, just like the revolution in the music world. I think we live in a great time for making art. The forms of production, display, consumption, sale and collection of art have completely changed.

When such things happen to art, periods change in art. My prediction is: I think we have come to the end of the contemporary art period we are in. In the future, art historians will write the art period we are in as the ‘Digital art’ period.

Before concluding, let’s take a look at a few pieces from the CyberZen collection produced by Hakan Yılmaz with the support of Midjourney, one of the artificial intelligence systems we mentioned.

You can view the works in question at Emaar Art Hub in Istanbul, free of charge, until 31 August 2022.


You can also share your thoughts on the subject in the comments. Before concluding, let us state that the first of the images at the beginning of the article was made by artificial intelligence. You can find the details of the painting made by Tetyana Vysochynska here.

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