Tesla Tests With Real Kids, YouTube Deletes Video

YouTube has removed the video where Tesla's autonomous driving feature is tested on real children. Risking the emotional and physical health of children was cited as the reason for this decision.
 Tesla Tests With Real Kids, YouTube Deletes Video
READING NOW Tesla Tests With Real Kids, YouTube Deletes Video

Tesla, which has been working hard and making serious investments for the autonomous driving feature, is constantly testing this feature. Images of these tests are also occasionally found on the internet. One of these tests showed that Tesla crushed the figures that were put to represent the children.

In the discussions that started after this video, Tesla fans defended the FSD feature, which provides fully autonomous driving, citing existing legal restrictions. The claims of Tesla opponents were that the feature was not enough.

Removed video of test with real kids

After the idea to test the fully autonomous driving feature with kids came up, Omar Qazi, a Tesla investor on the Whole Mars Catalog channel, decided to make the idea a reality. Then on his channel “Does Tesla Full-Self Driving Beta really run over kids?” He released a video titled (Tesla Fully Autonomous-Driving Beta Really Crushing Kids?).

The video featured Ted Park, who is also a Tesla owner and investor, alongside Qazi. Park saw no harm in using her own children as subjects to test the autonomous driving features in this video. The published video was watched tens of thousands of times on YouTube in a short time and also found its place on Twitter.

Tesla had crushed child mannequins in previous tests…

YouTube has removed the video of autonomous driving tests using children. One of the spokespersons of the platform, Ivy Choi, cited the policy of not allowing content that endanger the mental or physical health of minors as the reason for the removal of the video. This policy also covers content where minors are used in dangerous trials, challenges or pranks.

Expressing that he “trusts FSD beta for the lives of his children” in the video on the subject, Park stated to CNBC that his speed does not exceed 13 kilometers per hour, that Tesla is sure that he notices the children and that he is always at the wheel.

The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has stated that consumers should never attempt to conduct their own performance and safety tests, especially using children. On the other hand, Tesla’s fully autonomous driving feature works when the drivers reach a certain safety score, and the driver’s hands must be on the steering wheel during this time.

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