Dead Island 2 release date leaked

Announced with a magnificent trailer in 2014, Dad Island 2 still hasn't debuted after 8 years. The project, which was thought to have been canceled for many years, seems to be debuting very soon.
 Dead Island 2 release date leaked
READING NOW Dead Island 2 release date leaked

Dead Island 2, which was introduced with a very impressive trailer in 2014, has been one of the most anticipated games for a long time. Many years passed and the project changed hands between different developers, which made us think that the game was cancelled. However, the allegations made in the past months stated that the game was at an important point in the development phase. The new leak confirms this.

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Added 3 days ago

Dead Island 2 may debut on February 2023

Twitter user Wario64, known for his reliable leaks in the game world, shared important information about Dead Island 2. It looks like Dead Island 2 is listed on Amazon. Amazon, which also contains many images on its product page, has also listed that the game will be released on February 2, 2023. Although the game still appears on the Amazon page, it may soon be removed by Amazon or Deep Silver.

The game, which will take place in Los Angeles, is expected to include iconic locations such as Venice Beach and Beverly Hills. The game, which is expected to come with a new skill system, realistic zombies and characters with different characteristics, will most likely be announced again at Gamescom. The game’s Amazon page also confirms that the game will be coming to PS4. It looks like Dead Island 2 will not miss the generation it was announced in 2014.

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