A Warning from Scientists to Melt Ice Cover

Scientists announced that the world's largest ice cover will melt completely if global warming increases a little more, and the seas will rise by meters.
 A Warning from Scientists to Melt Ice Cover
READING NOW A Warning from Scientists to Melt Ice Cover

Are you complaining about not being able to go on vacation? Or does it upset you that there is no sea in the city you live in? Don’t worry! According to the study of British scientists, we are only 2 degrees away from the formation of beaches in many areas that were not sea before! All we have to do is keep increasing global warming!

(Black) humor aside, the danger of global warming continues to increase due to high emissions on a global scale. A study by scientists from Dunham University reveals how dire the situation can be.

Sea level may rise several meters

Large masses of ice at the poles are called ice caps. The largest known ice sheet is the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). According to the research published in the journal Nature, this veil will melt day by day if global warming continues at this level. As a result of the melting, the level of the seas and oceans will rise significantly.

If we continue with current emission levels, the seas will have risen by about half a meter by 2100. In case of an increase in the amount of emissions, the increase in sea level towards the year 2300 will be between 1 and 3 meters. By 2500, sea level will rise between 2 and 5 meters.

On the other hand, if global carbon emissions decrease, this sea level rise will remain at 2 centimeters. This means much less ice loss than expected in Greenland and West Antarctica. The lead author of the study, Chris Strokes, from the Department of Geography at Dunham University, says the fate of the EAIS is largely in our hands.

Although the simulations claim otherwise, the problem has not completely disappeared.

With computer simulations, changes in the ice cover have been observed so far, and changes in possible scenarios have also been simulated. As a result, the worst disaster scenarios are still off the table, even if they are unlikely.

The researchers also explained that sea level has risen by meters due to past changes in the ice cover. At the moment, they said, the ice sheet is structurally not as reliable and healthy as they previously thought.

Global climate change can lead to serious famines, mass death of living things, epidemics and disasters on our planet. In other words, even if the sea will come in front of your house, this future will be a future you do not want to live in.

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