AMD, Intel and Nvidia slow hiring

AMD, Intel, and Nvidia began slowing hiring in the second half of the year. Giants who want to reduce operational costs have withdrawn job positions at a record level.
 AMD, Intel and Nvidia slow hiring
READING NOW AMD, Intel and Nvidia slow hiring

Global inflation also affects the chip world deeply. Chip giants, which generated record revenues last year, started to reduce hiring as the first effective measure as they entered recession this year. AMD seems to be a little stronger.

Recruitment is falling

According to the job posting tracking, AMD, which achieved record revenue in the second quarter, reduced hiring by 4 percent and left 2701 job vacancies this month. According to Intel and Nvidia, AMD still has very high job postings. This shows that he does not want to miss the talented engineers.

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Nvidia has been the company that reduced purchases the most. While there was a decrease of almost 68 percent with 1114 job postings, there was a decrease of 18 percent in the last week alone. Intel, on the other hand, reduced its job posting from 6092 in May to 2533 last week, the previous figure being the sum of its two competitors.

Reducing hiring especially helps to reduce operational costs and thus stabilizes the operating profit to some extent. Naturally, it is possible for some projects to be slowed down when hiring decreases.

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