Mercedes is increasing measures against part counterfeiting!

Mercedes warns of the recent increase in parts counterfeiting. In addition, he is making some preparations to prevent this.
 Mercedes is increasing measures against part counterfeiting!
READING NOW Mercedes is increasing measures against part counterfeiting!

Parts for automobiles, especially for premium vehicles and manufactured by an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), are expensive. That’s why cheap parts on the internet are very attractive. However, Mercedes warns of counterfeit parts and is preparing to take various measures. Here are the details!

Mercedes to appoint ‘Brand protection experts’ for counterfeiting

One automaker reported that authorities seized over 1.86 million counterfeit Mercedes Benz parts in more than 650 raids in 2021 alone. This rate is 6 percent higher than the previous year. Now, this rate is expected to increase even more.

Renata Jungo Brüngger, Head of Legal Affairs of Mercedes, made a statement on the subject. “The counterfeiting industry has organized crime structures. It often yields higher profits than drug trafficking. We are working closely with authorities around the world to restrict these structures and combat threats to road safety.”

Mercedes says that with the pandemic period, counterfeiters have moved to the online environment. These groups can sell tracks online using their social media accounts. This makes things even more difficult for the police. That’s why the auto giant is expanding strategic measures to combat counterfeit products and their online trade.

The company’s efforts will revolve around three measures: detect, attack and block. It will also appoint ‘Brand protection experts’ to identify suspects online. Brüngger said, “The trade of counterfeit products is increasing on online platforms and social media. Our brand protection experts have quickly adapted to the growing business model of the counterfeiting industry.” said.

In fact, the automaker says these parts are often of poor quality and do not meet even the minimum legal requirements, such as an aftermarket part. For now, there is no detailed information about this measure. However, the company aims to prevent counterfeiting with this measure. For now, there is no detailed information about this measure.

So, what do you think about Mercedes counterfeit parts measures? What do you think should be done to prevent forgery? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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