Do Women Like Muscular Men More?

We all know how important appearance is today. Especially in daily life, we can observe that there is always an intense interest in muscular men. In a study conducted by the University of California, it is stated that women are attracted to muscular men. David Frederick from the California Center for Behavior, Evolution and Culture explains the reason for this situation with an interesting analogy.
 Do Women Like Muscular Men More?
READING NOW Do Women Like Muscular Men More?

According to Frederick, male peacocks open their wings to show their females that they are in good shape. Male individuals can also express that they are strong in terms of testosterone and immune system by showing their muscular bodies to women.

Again, in the same study, data emerges that 32 percent of muscular men are twice as likely to have sex with a woman when their partners are not with them. Of course, we do not aim to generalize based on a single study. However, we can say that the results of this research have made it even more curious why muscular men are attracted to women. So, do women really like men with physically muscular appearance, or could it be a little different? Let’s discuss this issue together.

Muscle may be seen as a sign of strength in men.

Researchers talk about the importance of looking strong in men’s physical attractiveness. In other words, there is a perception that men who look muscular are in the ideal male body in the social structure.

In another study, 160 women were interviewed and asked to rate men’s physical and individual attractiveness in two categories. The women score from 1 to 7 by looking at the male soldiers brought before them. As a result of the study, none of the women surveyed found thinner-looking men more attractive than men they found strong (muscular ones). Of course, criticism on the results of this research was not delayed.

Equalizing a strong body with being muscular may make the male body aesthetic.

Regarding the results of the research mentioned above, sociologist Lisa Wade criticizes that the valuation of tall, fit, strong-shouldered men in American society affects these results.

In other words, the cultural meanings attributed to the male body can be effective in the formation of admiration. For example, whatever body types are valued in a society, it is likely that that body will always be more attractive. Moreover, it can be stated that bodies that seem difficult to obtain are more attractive to people.

So, do women only find muscular men attractive, are there no other determining criteria?

There are other claims that women are attracted to muscular men in the short run, but pay attention to different criteria in the long run. David Frederick says that a muscular body is attractive to more than one woman in the short term, but adds that women who want a long-term relationship are not very interested in a muscular body.

For example, in the data of the research conducted by the University of California, it is possible to reach some findings that will confirm Frederick’s words. A female surfer surveyed says she flirted with someone and married a short, bald man who she thought was better in terms of personality. We can see that most of the women surveyed made similar comments. Although women express the importance of appearance, they say that in the long run it is more important to have confidence and a good level of intelligence.

According to other studies, men with a belly can be attractive to women.

Research led by an app called Clue found that nearly 60,000 women looked for goodness in a man, with 45 percent of women preferring average-bodied men who were slightly overweight over muscular men.

Again, in a study conducted in Mumbai, it is revealed that men with a belly show very good and satisfying characteristics for their partners in a relationship. It turns out that although physical appearance is important for women in choosing a partner, emotional and behavioral characteristics can be just as important.

Editor’s Note: I would like to underline that since this text is intended to provide a perspective to the reader through the researches done, there is no claim for certainty.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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