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NASA’s Aircraft Telescope SOFIA Damaged During Mission

Boeing 747 carrying NASA's telescope was damaged during mission in New Zealand. The event due to the storm caused the telescope called SOFIA to make a forced landing. NASA announced that damage assessment studies are continuing.
 NASA’s Aircraft Telescope SOFIA Damaged During Mission
READING NOW NASA’s Aircraft Telescope SOFIA Damaged During Mission

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) had used a telescope called SOFIA some time ago. This telescope was quite different from anything we’ve seen so far. Because SOFIA was originally a Boeing 747. NASA, which placed equipment to monitor infrared rays coming towards Earth on this huge passenger plane, was studying the depths of the sky with the plane flying at 40,000 feet.

Loaded with NASA equipment, SOFIA was flying over New Zealand on its final mission. However, it has been announced that SOFIA has been downloaded recently and will not be able to fly for a long time. This was because a storm on Monday, July 18, damaged the aircraft. In the statements made by NASA, it was stated that the damage assessment studies continue.

Won’t be able to fly until the repair is complete

In the official statement, it was stated that the strong wind damaged both the front of the plane and the ladders placed on the fuselage of the plane. Fortunately, no crew was harmed during the time the telescope was in the air, which was used at kilometers high.

SOFIA was about to complete its mission

NASA designed SOFIA together with German scientists and has been using it for years. NASA officials, who took a decision according to the reports prepared last year, decided that SOFIA would not be used as of September 2022. The mission in the skies of New Zealand was one of the last missions of this giant telescope. However, the storm has disrupted the process. Authorities have not made any statement about whether the Boeing 747 will fly again after the repair.

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