Important Developments in the Field of Medicine

Working to better understand human health and produce permanent solutions to diseases, scientists have made many important discoveries over the past month. We've compiled the most important discoveries in medicine in the past month.
 Important Developments in the Field of Medicine
READING NOW Important Developments in the Field of Medicine

While we try to understand the universe, distant planets or oceans full of mysteries, we as humans are still trying to unravel the mystery of our own bodies. Countless researches are carried out to protect the health of the human body and to find solutions to diseases, and perhaps a new mystery is solved every day.

Over the past month, many groundbreaking discoveries have been made for medical science. Let’s take a look at the most notable of these discoveries.

Important discoveries made in the field of medicine in the past month

How toxic particles in polluted air ‘leak’ into our brains found
Developed a new method that can ameliorate the effects of a heart attack
‘Loneliness’ discovered to change brain structure
A part of the human heart was produced from scratch in a laboratory environment
Two more humans transplanted genetically modified pig hearts
Genes that affect the formation of some types of cancer, such as blood cancer, have been identified
It has been determined why side effects occur in cancer treatment
Developed a new method to detect whether patients with brain damage are conscious
Remote control of brain circuits performed in less than a second for the first time
An important step has been taken to cure deadly diseases with gene therapy

How toxic particles in polluted air ‘leak’ into our brains found

Air pollution is a big health problem, especially for people living in big cities, although it is ‘disregarded’. There are many studies on the damage of toxic particles in polluted air to the heart and lungs. Just being exposed to polluted air causes many diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure.

One of the studies carried out on this subject revealed that these particles also affect the brain and leave traces similar to the effects of many diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. But how these particles reached the brain and produced these effects was unknown. A new study has revealed how the particles reach the brain directly.

The human brain has a blood-brain barrier that keeps the brain safe by preventing the passage of microorganisms, harmful components and neurotoxins. In this way, all harmful substances that may enter the brain through the blood circulation are prevented. Scientists thought that the particles in the polluted air did not reach the brain by attaching to this barrier.

But new research has revealed that this information is not valid. Accordingly, harmful ultra-fine particles entering the lungs first leak into the bloodstream and then invade the human brain.

Research on mouse brains also found that particles in the brain stay for much longer than in other parts of the body. Until now, these particles were thought to enter the brain either directly through the nose or through intestinal enzymes. A better understanding of the process will guide studies to combat the effects of these harmful particles, which have terrible effects on the brain.

Developed a new method that can ameliorate the effects of a heart attack

Heart attack is a common ailment with a risk of death for almost every age group. After it is passed, it leaves some serious damage to the heart muscles. These damages were even described as ‘irreversible’ until now and had serious effects on the lives of patients after a heart attack.

However, with a new method tried on mice, it provided the repair of damage to the heart muscles after a heart attack and even the regeneration of heart muscle cells. Although it is not yet clear how the method will work on humans, it is thought that the data obtained will provide critical information for the improvement of heart diseases.

‘Loneliness’ discovered to change brain structure

Especially during the pandemic process, ‘social isolation’ and ‘loneliness’ became an important topic for the whole world. Moreover, one of the traces left by the pandemic, unfortunately, was the blow to our social life. But a new study shows that we shouldn’t get too used to social isolation and being alone.

Accordingly, staying away from social activities, being alone and not communicating enough officially changes the brain structure.

According to analyzes conducted on data from approximately 550 thousand people, loneliness and social isolation affect regions of the brain that process sounds, help encode memory, regulate processes such as attention and planning, and perform complex cognitive tasks, causing people to have lower cognitive skills.

They also have lower levels of gray matter overall. Gray matter is one of the most critical substances found in the human brain, and scientists say all cognitive abilities depend on gray matter. After analyzing 12 years of data, according to the research, loneliness and social isolation increase the risk of dementia by 26%.

A part of the human heart was produced from scratch in a laboratory environment

In a new study, scientists managed to produce a vascular structure that is a part of the human heart in a laboratory environment. The vein produced beats like a real heart and can pump fluid.

It is thought that the obtained vessel will contribute greatly to the studies to be used in heart research, and will be a good alternative to research on animals or dead organs in this field. It is also stated that this way, the structure of the heart and the process of pumping blood can be examined in much more detail.

Two more humans transplanted genetically modified pig hearts

In the past months, a big step has been taken in the medical world and a genetically modified pig heart was transplanted into a human. However, the person in question died a few weeks after the operation, which raised questions about the procedure. Then, with the results of the research published recently, it was announced that the death of the patient was not related to the pig heart transplant.

Following these developments, there was a new development that would increase the confidence in the process and take great steps in organ transplantation. Two more people were transplanted genetically modified pig hearts.

This development is very important because organ transplantation is a challenging process when we consider the process of finding the appropriate organ. However, the successful transplantation of genetically modified organs is breaking new ground in this field, taking future organ transplants to a whole new level.

Genes that affect the formation of some types of cancer, such as blood cancer, have been identified

With a study published recently, scientists have identified inherited genetic disorders that cause blood diseases that can develop without showing any symptoms and have an impact on many health problems from blood cancer to heart diseases.

In the research, which is expressed as one of the most comprehensive studies in this field so far, data obtained from 421 thousand 738 people were examined. Data from nearly half a million people identified 14 inherited genetic disorders that cause blood disorders. Thanks to these data, it is thought that important developments will be achieved in the early diagnosis and treatment of deadly cancers and heart diseases.

It has been determined why side effects occur in cancer treatment

It is a known fact that the methods used in cancer treatment cause side effects on patients. Some side effects can even cause the treatment process to be stopped or slowed down.

A new study has provided information that will enable great developments in this regard. In the research carried out, it was determined that some genetic features are the source of side effects in cancer treatments. Accordingly, it was determined that the structure of HLA, which is a system found in the human body and keeps foreign substances out by separating those that do not belong to our body, plays a key role in this regard.

According to the data obtained in the study, the genetic structure of HLA directly affects the response of the person to cancer treatment. It is stated that thanks to the data obtained, measures and developments can be experienced to strengthen the treatment by reducing the side effects in the treatment of cancer patients.

Developed a new method to detect whether patients with brain damage are conscious

An important method has been developed that affects the future of patients who have severe brain damage and are bedridden by not responding.

In such cases, doctors checking the patient in the intensive care unit usually check the answers given to the questions posed or their clear reactions to stimuli to determine whether the patients are conscious or not. For example, patients who do not respond to commands such as ‘move your hand’ or ‘stick out your tongue’ are assumed to be ‘unconscious’. However, the method was thought to be insufficient for detection.

With the new method developed, the brain waves of people who are actually considered ‘unconscious’ and do not show a visible reaction are examined by EEG, and their ‘hidden consciousness’ is detected. In this way, it is easier to identify patients who are conscious, although they do not respond physically. The new imaging method, which is also supported by artificial intelligence, is currently available in a limited number of centers and requires special expertise.

However, it is stated that this development will save the future of many patients with brain damage. Because the number of cases where some patients regain their consciousness and return to life after months is quite high, and it is thought that obtaining the information about ‘who they may be’ will contribute to the treatment process.

Remote control of brain circuits performed in less than a second for the first time

A group of neuroengineers has developed a method that allows remote control of certain circuits in the brain, in less than a second.

In the study, flies were used and the neurons that allow the flies to move their bodies were activated by sending magnetic signals. The wings, which were in the closed position, were opened with the signal sent to the wings. The detail that makes the study important is that with this new method, remotely controlled brain circuits work ‘almost as fast as the brain’ by doing this process in less than a second.

Thanks to the data obtained, it will be possible to develop brain-machine communication technologies, treat diseases and gain more information about the brain.

An important step has been taken to cure deadly diseases with gene therapy

Gene therapy and gene editing studies are one of the developments that will be a big part of human life in the future in the fight against diseases. In recent years, there have been many developments in this area with the intensified studies. However, since this method brings with it some discussions, there are also aspects that create question marks. Of course, all this does not prevent big steps to be taken.

A recent study in New Zealand used CRISPR technology to remove LDL cholesterol, also known as “bad cholesterol,” from a volunteer. It will be a great improvement for many diseases that the operation performed on a person whose DNA has been changed only one letter will result in success after all observations. The research process continues for this method, which was developed as a single-dose treatment method, and it is stated that new tests will be carried out on more volunteers.

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