The President’s Sharing with a Cat became the agenda on Twitter

President Erdoğan shared photos of himself and his granddaughter's cat on Twitter today. The photos, in which the cat, whose name is 'Pıt Pit Şeker', carefully examines the newspaper, became the agenda of the social media. Humorous responses from Twitter users were not delayed.
 The President’s Sharing with a Cat became the agenda on Twitter
READING NOW The President’s Sharing with a Cat became the agenda on Twitter

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan came to the fore with the photos he shared on his official Twitter account today. The star of the photographs in question was ‘Pıt Pit Şeker’, who came to Erdoğan while he was reading the newspaper.

The post soon got a lot of backlash, and a new hashtag was started with the name of the cat in the photo. While some of the reactions showed love for the cat, others touched on the country’s agenda with a humorous style based on the photographs.

The original post featuring Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Pıt Pıt Şeker:

In the photographs, President Erdoğan is featured with a cat sitting on his lap and examining the newspaper while reading the newspaper. According to the President’s own statement, this cat, which we can see as a kitten, belonged to his granddaughter Aybike. In the tweet, where he shared the photos, Erdoğan made the following statements: “My dear granddaughter Aybike’s cat Pit Pit Şeker. . . He is very interested in current developments. ”

Then, the cat photos quickly attracted the attention of social media users. We have compiled the most entertaining tweets for you.

Reactions to Pıt Pıt Şeker from social media:

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