How to Clear Unnecessary System Data on Macs

How to Clear Unnecessary System Data on Macs

Computers, which have become an inseparable part of our lives, have now become tools that allow us to do almost all of our work from where we sit. However, it is not a good thing to use these technological products casually. Because even if you use the most powerful computers today, you may encounter slowdown and stuttering problems from time to time.

System cleaning is relatively easy on Windows-based computers. But when it comes to macOS, things can get a little harder. Now, we will talk about a new storage partition on Mac computers using macOS Monterey operating system and how to clean this partition and how you can use your computer in a healthy way.

Have you seen the “System Data” label in macOS Monterey?

In version 12.3 of macOS Monterey, Apple changed a label on the storage unit. If you are also using this operating system, you may have started to see a new label called “System Data”. Moreover, the size of this label ranges from 10 GB to 100 GB. So what content does the System Data tag host and why are there huge files in this section?

What files are included in the System Data category?

  • Cached contents with log files.
  • Temporary files.
  • VM files.
  • Fonts and application plugins.
  • Some files belonging to applications.
  • Files used by the system.

As you can see above; There are actually a lot of files in the System Data category. In fact, some of them are vital files that keep the operating system running. However, there are also files that do not work and slow down your computer. So how to clear the System Data category?

How to clear System Data on macOS?

It is not possible to delete all System Data on computers running macOS. Because some files are used by the operating system and these files are not allowed to be deleted so that the system does not crash. However, you can have the files that are not vital and take up unnecessary space either manually or automatically with special software. Now we will talk about the System Data deletion processes that will make macOS more stable.

After this section of our content, you will see how important it actually is to clean System Data. If you do what we will tell you shortly, you can complete the processes manually. But if you don’t want to mess around, BuhoCleaner can do these things for you automatically.

Caution: No matter what operating system you are using, dealing with system files is a dangerous business. Never bother with doing things manually, especially if you’re not proficient. Because if you accidentally delete files belonging to the operating system, your computer may crash.

How to manually clean macOS System Data?

Manually clearing cache files:

  • Step #1: Open Finder and click on the “Go to Folder” option.
  • Step #2: Access the following paths respectively:
    • ~/Library/Caches/
    • Library/Caches/
    • /System/Library/Caches/
  • Step #3: Move unnecessary files to Trash.
  • Step #4: Empty the Trash.

Cleaning cache files using BuhoCleaner:

  • Step #1: Download BuhoCleaner using the link here.
  • Step #2: Open the app.
  • Step #3: Click the “Scan” button.
  • Step #4: Select files with “cache” content.
  • Step #5: Click the “Remove” button.

Manually clearing log files:

  • Step #1: Open Finder and click on the “Go to Folder” option.
  • Step #2: Paste the command “~/Library/Caches/”.
  • Step #3: Select the files you want to delete and send them to Trash.

Cleaning Log files using BuhoCleaner:

  • Step #1: Download BuhoCleaner.
  • Step #2: Open the app.
  • Step #3: Click the “Scan” button.
  • Step #4: Select files with “Log” content.
  • Step #5: Click the “Remove” button.

Cleaning system backups:

  • Step #1: Open Terminal.
  • Step #2: Type “tmutil listlocalsnapshotdates” and confirm.
  • Step #3: After typing tmutil deletelocalsnapshots type which backup you want to delete.
  • Step #4: Wait for the backups to be deleted.

Cleaning the Downloads Folder:

  • Step #1: Enter the Downloads folder.
  • Step #2: Delete unnecessary files and folders.

You can clean junk files on your Mac computer by following all these procedures. As we have just mentioned; You can do these operations manually or automatically via BuhoCleaner. However, if you are wondering how to completely uninstall apps on macOS computers, you can check out the link here.