Developed chip uses sound wave to transmit data

Acoustic waves can be controlled for the first time in a computer chip, using an electric field, in a new study.
 Developed chip uses sound wave to transmit data
READING NOW Developed chip uses sound wave to transmit data

Harvard University scientists announced that they have developed a new type of chip that transmits data via sound waves. The new acoustic chip works similarly to photonic chips, which modulate photons and send them into narrow channels called waveguides around the chip to transmit data.

Large-scale acoustic wave circuits will be developed

Using a material called lithium niobate, the team created an electro-acoustic modulator to control the acoustic waves on the chip. The modulator controls the phase, amplitude and frequency of the waves through careful tuning of the electric field.

Marko Loncar, one of the study’s authors, said: “Acoustic waves are promising as on-chip information carriers for both quantum and classical information processing, but the inability to control acoustic waves in a low-loss, scalable manner hinders the development of acoustic integrated circuits. In this study, acoustics on an integrated lithium niobate platform “We’ve shown that we can control waves and bring us one step closer to an acoustic integrated circuit.” said.

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The researchers plan to develop more complex and large-scale acoustic wave circuits with acoustic wave chips. It is also stated that the new work can lead to the development of on-chip quantum networks and interfaces that connect different types of quantum systems, such as solid-state atomic systems and superconducting qubits.

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