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Positive Effects of Emotions such as Regret and Worry Discovered

Many of us can spend days, maybe months, trying to cope with negative emotions. We think that emotions such as regret and anxiety affect us negatively in many areas of our lives. But a new study shows that even these negative emotions often have positive results.
 Positive Effects of Emotions such as Regret and Worry Discovered
READING NOW Positive Effects of Emotions such as Regret and Worry Discovered

We’ve all felt a lot more aggressive, moody, or unhappy than usual at some point in our lives. Moreover, when we go through such periods, the people around us begin to seem much happier. Experts, on the other hand, offer some recommendations that we often hear in such cases. For example; distance yourself from negative thoughts, do things that make you feel happy, and live in the moment.

A recent study shows that these recommendations we have heard so far are actually not very helpful; on the contrary, it revealed that feelings such as regret and anxiety can be beneficial. So how can these feelings that upset us be ‘useful’? Let’s look at the details of the research together.

Don’t leave your regrets aside, learn a lesson!

Regret is one of the emotions that upset us the most. Making sentences that begin with “I wish…” is also considered a bad habit by many psychologists. When you think about it, this advice makes quite a lot of sense. As a result, we can spend the time we are in sadly because of the things we did or could not do in the past.

But research by Lanchaster University reveals that feelings of regret are not as bad as they seem. Researchers say it can be very beneficial to meditate during regret and replay the same scenarios over and over again. Since people who regret will be afraid to make the same mistake, they start to take all their steps more carefully. Researchers underline that this way, healthier decisions can be made in the future.

Worry again as a hobby…

Another emotion that is the subject of the research is anxiety. Almost all of us worry about many things because of the situations we are in. Unfortunately, we are going through a very difficult period both economically and socially. For this reason, it is almost impossible to remove an emotion such as anxiety from our lives.

Researchers also reported that this emotion, which we cannot remove from our lives, has several beneficial aspects. Namely; Worrying causes us to worry more about the future, and this state of anxiety pushes us to deeper thoughts about the future, just like when we regret it. For example; “What will I do when school is over?” Thinking encourages you to strive to do something before you finish school. Although these feelings and thoughts can stress you out at the moment you are in, researchers state that they actually have a positive effect on your life and activate it.

What about optimism and confidence?

According to the published article, optimism is actually a feeling that develops in direct proportion to our sense of confidence. If we explain this with a small example; When you study for an exam, you feel more optimistic about that exam because you have confidence in your study. So actually, optimism is not a mood you get into; it comes across as a feeling that you put yourself into. However, researchers say that overconfidence and being overly optimistic can also turn into a problem, especially in bilateral relations.

To summarize briefly; Researchers say that not every emotion, positive or negative, is a problem if it’s not overdone. In other words, you can even use emotions such as regret, anxiety, anger to benefit yourself. In addition, positive emotions such as optimism and confidence can do you harm, not benefit, when you overdo it.

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