Instagram and Facebook Remove Posts About Abortion

Instagram and Facebook, which are part of Meta, took actions pointing out that they were against abortion after the US Supreme Court's abortion decision.
 Instagram and Facebook Remove Posts About Abortion
READING NOW Instagram and Facebook Remove Posts About Abortion

Recently, the Supreme Court in the United States, in 1973 Roe v. By canceling the abortion liberalization decision, which became law with Wade’s suggestion, abortion was banned in many states, and the public was divided into two and protests began. Even Silicon Valley giants such as Netflix, Tesla and Google announced that they would provide abortion support to their employees.

It turns out that Facebook and Instagram’s parent company Meta is not one of these Silicon Valley giants. At least this is evident from his actions. According to reports from users, Instagram removed posts about abortion and blocked access to hashtags. Posts about abortion were similarly removed on Facebook.

Are Instagram and Facebook, namely Meta, against abortion?

Instagram deleted some posts and restricted at least two hashtags related to abortion services, some of its users said. The platform also briefly suspended and then reinstated an account belonging to the abortion services platform. According to the news, two terms and hashtag searches related to abortion pills were blocked.

According to users’ reports, when you search for abortion in the search section, no results appear in your first search. When you do a little more specific search, you can find what you are looking for.

A similar thing is happening on Facebook. Facebook removes posts and in some cases temporarily bans users who post posts that say abortion pills can be mailed.

It’s unclear exactly when Facebook started removing these and similar posts. However, the first user feedback that Facebook has removed such posts began to come as of the day the Supreme court made the decision.

According to one of those whose account was banned, his account read, “I will send abortion pills to any of you. Just send me a message,” he said, then banned. The person who posted the post at 11 am states that his post was removed within 1 minute and his account was banned. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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