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What Is ‘Triglyceride’, Our Body’s Energy Store, Actually?

The level of triglycerides, a type of fat found in the blood, is at least as vital as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Triglyceride gives energy to our body, but when its level increases, it can block the vessels and be the root cause of many different diseases. Let's answer the curious questions such as what is triglyceride, what is it good for, why it rises and how to lower triglycerides in all details.
 What Is ‘Triglyceride’, Our Body’s Energy Store, Actually?
READING NOW What Is ‘Triglyceride’, Our Body’s Energy Store, Actually?

We eat to get the energy we need to continue our lives. The fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals we take while eating are processed and used. However, some of them are stored because they are not used immediately. One of those stored fat types is triglyceride. Triglycerides are lipid fats circulating in our blood and are burned when necessary, turning into energy.

So what happens when the triglyceride in our blood is not burned? A condition called high triglycerides occurs. These fats, which are dense enough to give energy to people, accumulate when not burned, clog the vessels, thicken the vessel walls and cause diseases that are not difficult to predict. Let’s answer the curious questions such as what is triglyceride, what is it good for, why it rises and how to lower triglycerides in all details.

What is triglyceride, what does it do, why is it elevated and how is it lowered?

What is triglyceride?
What does triglyceride do?
Why do triglycerides rise?
genetic factors
drug use
Simple carbohydrate and sugar intake
Alcohol use
Sleep patterns
What should be the ideal triglyceride value?
How to lower triglyceride?
exercise regularly
Reduce consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates
lose weight
Consume healthy fats
Limit alcohol use

Let’s start with the basics, what are triglycerides?

Triglyceride is one of the types of lipid fats found in our blood. The fats we take when we eat, if they are not burned immediately, are converted into triglycerides and begin to circulate in our blood. When our body needs energy when we are not eating, these triglycerides are released and burned as energy. Unused triglycerides accumulate and cause a high triglyceride state called hypertriglyceridemia.

So, what does triglyceride do?

In its most basic definition, triglyceride stores the fats that give energy to our body and energizes our body by using it when necessary. During any meal, you take so many calories that you cannot burn at that moment. These are somehow stored and kept for you to use when the time comes. The fats that make up these calories are stored in the blood in the form of triglycerides and are burned when appropriate, giving energy.

Why do triglycerides rise?

  • genetic factors
  • drug use
  • Simple carbohydrate and sugar intake
  • Alcohol use
  • Sleep patterns
  • Stress

Genetic factors:

As in many diseases, the hereditary status of the person is extremely important in the case of high triglycerides. This condition, called familial hypertriglyceridemia, occurs because genetic factors predispose to high triglycerides. The triglyceride value seen in the blood test results reveals whether the person has such a hereditary condition. Triglyceride can be lowered, even if it is hereditary, with the use of medication along with diet and lifestyle changes.

Medication use:

When the triglyceride rate of the person is quite high as a result of the blood tests, the drugs used are examined. Many antiviral, cardiovascular, antipsychotic and hormone drugs can cause significant elevations in triglyceride levels. Your doctor may suggest a change in medication or balance the situation with a different medication.

Simple carbohydrate and sugar intake:

Triglyceride elevation is a condition that occurs due to genetic factors and drug use, but the main cause of high triglyceride levels is what you eat. Simple carbohydrates and sugar from ready-made foods have such high calories that if you do not run for kilometers a day, you cannot easily burn them, and therefore your triglyceride value will definitely increase. Go for low-fat foods instead of fast food, and vegetables instead of ready-to-eat foods. Your triglyceride level will drop rapidly.

Alcohol use:

All spirits have a lot of calories, carbohydrates and sugar. Since these are much more dense than you can easily burn in daily life, they accumulate and increase the triglyceride level. Likewise, it also reduces good cholesterol, making it more difficult to burn fat. People with high triglycerides are advised to limit alcohol and even stay away for a while if it’s too high.

Sleep patterns:

In order for an adult to continue his life in a healthy way, he needs to sleep 7 hours a night. When this sleep period is not completed, the metabolism and cardiovascular system are adversely affected. Diseases that are directly related to high triglycerides such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and obesity are emerging. Sleep apnea, which causes shortness of breath during sleep, also raises triglyceride levels and lowers good cholesterol. So a good sleep is the first step to a healthy life.


No matter what mental or physical illness we talk about, stress is the scourge of our age among its causes. Continued high stress contributes to inflammation. When inflammation increases, fat burning slows down, causing the liver to work at a lower intensity. It is not known how much you can apply, but try to stay away from stress somehow and do not hesitate to seek help from an expert if necessary.

What should be the ideal triglyceride value?

  • Triglyceride less than 150 mg/dL or 1.7 mmol/L is considered normal.
  • A triglyceride of 150 – 199 mg/dL or 1.8 – 2.2 mmol/L is considered borderline high.
  • 200 – 499 mg/dL or 2.3 – 5.6 mmol/L triglycerides is considered high.
  • A triglyceride value higher than 500 mg/dL or 5.7 mmol/L is considered very high.

How to lower triglyceride?

  • Exercise regularly.
  • Reduce consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates.
  • Lose weight.
  • Consume healthy fats.
  • Limit alcohol use.

Exercise regularly:

Just as the main cause of almost all diseases is stress, and the solution to almost all diseases is regular exercise. You don’t necessarily have to go to a gym and work out until you feel like it. At least 30 minutes of walking or similar exercise that you will do every day or most days will both lower your triglyceride value and raise your good cholesterol level. Even using the stairs instead of the elevator will be effective.

Reduce consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates:

Since the high calories, sugar and simple carbohydrates you get from fast food and ready-made foods are not easily burned, they are stored as they are and increase your triglyceride level. Avoid such foods. Occasional consumption won’t kill anyone, but in general, if your entire diet consists of these foods, there’s a big problem.

Lose weight:

If you have already paid attention, the answer to the question of how to lower triglycerides and how to lose weight is the same, eating healthy and exercising regularly. Being overweight means there are too many calories in your body to burn and they are being stored. Since triglycerides are stored in a similar state, you can lower your triglyceride level by losing weight.

Consume healthy fats:

Most of the time, bad fats are not burned immediately and are stored. However, healthy fats are used immediately as they keep your body system running smoothly. Olive oil and canola oil are triglyceride’s worst enemies. Eating fish or consuming omega-3 fatty acids are just as effective.

Limit alcohol use:

All spirits have a lot of calories, carbohydrates and sugar. Since these are much more dense than you can easily burn in daily life, they accumulate and increase the triglyceride level. If you have a borderline triglyceride level, start by limiting alcohol for now. However, if your triglyceride level is too high, it is better to stay away for a while.

We talked about what you need to know about this lipid fat by answering the questions such as triglyceride, which is the energy source of our body, but also a dangerous fat, what is it for, why it rises, how it can be lowered. What we describe is for informational purposes only. You can learn the most accurate and specific information from your doctor.

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